declassified cia projects

CORONA also had sister programs: ARGON for mapping imagery and LANYARD, a short-lived program designed for higher-quality imagery. [44] They spent an estimated $10 million or more, roughly $87.5 million adjusted for inflation. Some of you have read this before. [48] Some Members of Congress believe that these lies to Congress are similar to CIA lies to Congress from earlier periods. Other human rights issues that are controversial include the case of Edward Snowden. An aerial view of Area 51 and Groom Lake in Nevada. [50], In 2007, the now defunct database Wikiscanner revealed that computers from the CIA had been used to edit articles on the English Wikipedia, including the Iraq War article in 2003, and the article on former CIA executive director William Colby. [86], The Olson family disputes the official version of events. [85] On 28 November 2012, the Olson family filed suit against the U.S. federal government for the wrongful death of Frank Olson. According to the Church Committee, "such materials were used on a number of occasions". At least one valid email address is required. [16], On October 4, 2001, a secret arrangement was made in Brussels, by all members of NATO. [52], In Operation Midnight Climax, the CIA set up several brothels within agency safehouses in San Francisco to obtain a selection of men who would be too embarrassed to talk about the events. MKUltra used numerous methods to manipulate its subjects' mental states and brain functions, such as the covert administration of high doses of psychoactive drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, electroshocks,[5] hypnosis,[6][7] sensory deprivation, isolation, and verbal and sexual abuse, in addition to other forms of torture. Italian Prime Minister at the time, the late Giulio Andreotti divulged information about Italy's secret Cold War army (known as Gladio) in 1990, becoming the first leader of a NATO country to publicly acknowledge one of these forces. [8][9], MKUltra was preceded by two drug-related experiments, Project Bluebird and Project Artichoke. The prisoners were interrogated while being administered psychoactive drugs, electroshocked and subjected to extremes of temperature, sensory isolation and the like to develop a better understanding of how to destroy and to control human minds. They also revealed that at least one subject, Frank Olson, had died after administration of LSD. In 2012, the CIA declassified some documents from the 1950s that showed some of the projects they worked on. This prompted Senators Dianne Feinstein and Patrick Leahy, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee to insist that no one should go outside the law. Substances which alter personality structure in such a way the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced. [93][94] However, academic sources attribute the incident to ergot poisoning through a local bakery.[95][96][97]. Government and military secrets can range from terrifying to amusing to downright absurd, but most are nothing short of intriguing. [41], CIA documents suggest that they investigated "chemical, biological, and radiological" methods of mind control as part of MKUltra. New York, In addition to LSD, the Army also tested quinuclidinyl benzilate, a hallucinogen code-named BZ. Wernher von Braun, who helped get us on the moon in 1969. This page was last edited on 16 January 2023, at 09:30. cities. Its free. They told subjects they would extend their "trips" if they refused to reveal their secrets. Declassified designs show the U.S. Air Force's attempts to build a flying saucer capable of both hovering and going supersonic. [58] The project studied the effects of psychoactive drugs, particularly LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, cocaine, AMT and DMT on people. August 3, 1977", "The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate": The CIA and Mind Control: The Secret History of the Behavioral Sciences", Entire Four CD-ROM set of CIA / MKUltra Declassified documents released by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), image format, MKUltra Declassified documents, PDF format, Results of the 1973 Church Committee Hearings, on CIA misdeeds, and the 1984 Iran/Contra Hearings, XXVII. A series of top-secret human experiments conducted by the CIA between 1953 and 1973, Project MK-Ultra sought to harness the power of mind-control. Heres how it works. The operation was detailed in a partially declassified U.S. Army report in 1981." Operation Mockingbird "Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early 1950s and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. Project AERODYNAMIC (formerly CARTEL, ANDROGEN, AECARTHAGE), which operated 1949-1970 before being reclassified under Project named QRDYNAMIC in 1970 and finally QRDYNAMIC/QRPLUMB until 1991. [45][37], Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi has stated that the CIA repeatedly misled Congress since 2001 about waterboarding and other torture, though Pelosi admitted to being told about the programs. Although part of the U.S. government's anti-communist Cuban Project, Operation Northwoods was never officially accepted; it was authorized by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but then rejected by President John F. Kennedy. One of the most well-known secret research programs is the Manhattan Project, which eventually produced the world's first atomic bombs. Flying with Sharks: A Plan for Every Outcome. [12] The administration continued to allow rendition only "to a country with jurisdiction over that individual (for prosecution of that individual)" when there is a diplomatic assurance "that they will not be treated inhumanely. It ends now. The base, which was kept secret from the Danish government, operated for seven years. [13]:74[16][17][18] Over 7,000 American veterans took part in these experiments non-consensually during the 1950s through 1970s, many of them suing later on. [29] Whether or not the physicians were compelled is an open question. Lord George Robertson, British defence secretary and later NATO's secretary-general, would later explain that NATO members agree to provide "blanket overflight clearances for the United States and other allies' aircraft for military flights related to operations against terrorism. (Of course, they didnt release the reason why they needed one, but well leave that up to your imagination.) [86] The medical examiner termed Olson's death a "homicide". . For other uses, see, 1994 U.S. General Accounting Office report. Materials which will promote the intoxicating effect of alcohol. Other experiments involved heroin, morphine, temazepam (used under code name MKSEARCH), mescaline, psilocybin, scopolamine, alcohol and sodium pentothal.[65]. CIA Director Panetta had ordered an internal investigation to determine why Congress had not been informed about the covert program. ABC7. It's free. And these clandestine armies weren't just kept secret from the Soviet Union. The Institute on Medicine as a Profession and the non-profit organization Open Society Foundations reviewed public records into the medical professions alleging complicity in the abuse of prisoners suspected of terrorism who were held in U.S. custody during the years after 9/11. [66] They conducted experiments with drug-induced hypnosis and with anterograde and retrograde amnesia while under the influence of such drugs. [13][23] Some surviving information about MKUltra was declassified in July 2001. Browse the Collections | Advanced Search | Search Help. law. In addition, the inquiry is likely to look at the Bush administration's program of eavesdropping without warrants and its detention and interrogation program. A material which will cause mental confusion of such a type the individual under its influence will find it difficult to maintain a fabrication under questioning. It funded student and cultural organizations and magazines as front organizations. The inquiry resulted in criminal charges against 14 U.S. Army officers, all but one of whom were acquitted for their crimes. ", "WikiLeaks Releases Trove of Alleged C.I.A. Declassified Army and CIA Manuals. [67]:141, His work was inspired and paralleled by the British psychiatrist William Sargant at St Thomas' Hospital, London, and Belmont Hospital, Sutton, who was also involved in the Secret Intelligence Service and who experimented on his patients without their consent, causing similar long-term damage. Hacking Documents", "How the CIA Can Hack Your Phone, PC, and TV (Says WikiLeaks)", "WikiLeaks posts trove of CIA documents detailing mass hacking", "Vault 7: Wikileaks reveals details of CIA's hacks of Android, iPhone Windows, Linux, MacOS, and even Samsung TVs", "Trump's CIA Director Pompeo, Targeting WikiLeaks, Explicitly Threatens Speech and Press Freedoms", Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001, "Secret CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children", All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror, Encyclopedia of the Central Intelligence Agency, CIA Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room, Landscapes of Secrecy: The CIA in History, Fiction and Memory, Works by or about List of CIA controversies,, Dujmovic, Nicholas, "Drastic Actions Short of War: The Origins and Application of CIA's Covert Paramilitary Function in the Early Cold War,", This page was last edited on 14 January 2023, at 21:57. Investigative efforts were hampered by CIA Director Richard Helms's order that all MKUltra files be destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the small number of documents that survived Helms's order. "In fiscal year 2010 alone, the Agency declassified and released over 1.1 million pages of documents.". More than 800,000 photographs were sent over the following 18 months to the National Archives and the US Geological Survey. Avro Canada VZ-9AV Avrocar at the National Museum of the United States Air Force. [62], MKUltra's researchers later dismissed LSD as too unpredictable in its results. The Gateway Process was explained in a report completed in 1983, revealing scientific evidence of how to produce states of expanded human consciousness. This category contains the known or alleged operations of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States . Project 1794 was canceled in December 1961 after tests suggested the flying saucer design was aerodynamically unstable and would likely be uncontrollable at high speeds (let alone supersonic speeds). 1. [24][25] According to John Dinges, author of The Condor Years (The New Press 2003), documents released in 2015 revealed a CIA report dated April 28, 1978 that showed the agency by then had knowledge that U.S.-backed Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet ordered the assassination of Orlando Letelier, a leading political opponent living in exile in the United States.[26]. According to the separate European Parliament report of February 2007, the CIA has conducted 1,245 flights, many of them to destinations where suspects could face torture, in violation of article 3 of the United Nations Convention Against Torture. [73] The Middle East Eye reported that two agents, Americans, who operated spy-rings within ISIS had resigned, because they "did not want to see the contacts who worked for them sacrificed due to incompetence and anti-Muslim prejudice from within Trump's inner circle." The scheme, dreamed up in 1962 by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (uniformed members of the U.S. Department of Defense who advise the president and others), involved committing acts of violence against U.S. and Cuban civilians and then blaming those acts on the Cuban government, according to the NSA documents. There is always the risk that one part of the government may make the covert operations of another part of the government public. From 1942 to 1946, Major General Leslie Groves of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers led the Manhattan Project. [36] American historian Alfred W. McCoy has claimed that the CIA attempted to focus media attention on these sorts of "ridiculous" programs so that the public would not look at the research's primary goal, which was effective methods of interrogation. The operation was detailed in a partially declassified U.S. Army report in 1981. [2] Intelligence expert David Wise faulted Weiner for portraying Allen Dulles as "a doddering old man" rather than the "shrewd professional spy" he knew and for refusing "to concede that the agency's leaders may have acted from patriotic motives or that the CIA ever did anything right", but concluded: "Legacy of Ashes succeeds as both journalism and history, and it is must reading for anyone interested in the CIA or American intelligence since World War II. The official mendacity only became public after Barlow sued the US Department of Defense for wrongful termination. These documents, which describe secret writing techniques and are housed at the National Archives, are believed to be the only remaining classified documents from the World War I era. Research Aid: Cryptonyms and Terms in Declassified CIA Files Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Disclosure Acts 1 June 2007 Term Definition A-287 Cryptonym for Josef Stigler. During the Cold War, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, developed a classified plan for keeping Europe "safe" in the event of a Soviet invasion. CIA spokesman George Little said that he could not confirm if CIA computers were used to make the changes, claiming that "the agency always expects its computer systems to be used responsibly. Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Second Revised Edition (2000): EBSCO. [2] The experiments used Chemical Corps personnel to test decontamination methods for biological and chemical weapons,[2] including sulfur mustard and nerve agents. [46][47] Six members of Congress have claimed that Director of the CIA Leon Panetta admitted that over a period of several years since 2001 the CIA deceived Congress, including affirmatively lying to Congress. Another part of CIA, the Directorate of Operations, collects human intelligence (HUMINT) in these areas. It refers to the study of an assortment of mind-altering substances described as follows:[37], The 1976 Church Committee report found that, in the MKDELTA program, "Drugs were used primarily as an aid to interrogations, but MKULTRA/MKDELTA materials were also used for harassment, discrediting or disabling purposes. [59], The Wall Street Journal reported, citing former intelligence officials familiar with the matter, that the program was an attempt to carry out a 2001 presidential authorization to capture or kill al-Qaeda operatives.[60]. ", "Operation May Day involved a series of EW tests from April to November 1956. The Washington Post and The Guardian later revealed that SNOWDEN was the principal source for the classified information on or about June 9, 2013, in a videotaped interview with The Guardian, admitted that he was the person who illegally provided those documents to reporters. [18], Perhaps the most disruptive incident involving counterintelligence was James Jesus Angleton's search for a mole,[19] based on the statements of a Soviet defector, Anatoliy Golitsyn. [99][100], Sit back picture yourself swooping up a shell of purple with foam crests of crystal drops soft nigh they fall unto the sea of morning creep-very-softly mist and then sort of cascade tinkley-bell-like (must I take you by the hand, ever so slowly type) and then conglomerate suddenly into a peal of silver vibrant uncomprehendingly, blood singingly, joyously resounding bells By my faith if this be insanity, then for the love of God permit me to remain insane.[104]. In the 1970s, Congressional investigations and reports also revealed Agency connections with journalists and civic groups. Since CIA has no domestic police authority, it sends its analytic information to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and other law enforcement organizations, such as the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the United States Department of the Treasury (OFAC). [64] The barbiturates were released into the person first, and as soon as the person began to fall asleep, the amphetamines were released. During the Cold War, the CIA initiated Project MK-ULTRA, a secret and illegal human research program to investigate potential mind-control systems. Working with the CIA, the Department of Defense gave hallucinogenic drugs to thousands of "volunteer" soldiers in the 1950s and 1960s. The men were dosed with LSD, the brothels were equipped with one-way mirrors, and the sessions were filmed for later viewing and study. Thanks to the Intelligence Communitys persistence, CORONA resulted in one of the largest declassification projects in American history. Ancient bird with T. rex-like skull discovered in China, Extinct giant tortoise was the 'mammoth' of Madagascar 1,000 years ago, Utah's Great Salt Lake is on the verge of collapse, and could expose millions to arsenic laced dust. It's not that long, but it wants to be read in small slices because it's a lot of information to digest. [41], MKCHICKWIT was concerned with acquiring information on new drug developments in Europe and Asia, and with acquiring samples. One of its most famous graduates? The experiments continued even after Frank Olson, an army chemist who had never taken LSD, was covertly dosed by his CIA supervisor and nine days later plunged to his death from the window of a 13th-story New York City hotel room, supposedly as a result of deep depression induced by the drug. [87] A few days before his death, Frank Olson quit his position as acting chief of the Special Operations Division at Detrick, Maryland (later Fort Detrick) because of a severe moral crisis concerning the nature of his biological weapons research. Declassified documents associated with the inquiry are available from the Library of Congress. Rather, the human rights associated with the Snowden leaks are regarding the types of document Snowden released. [119], "MKULTRA" redirects here. "[85], External investigations and document releases, Influencing public opinion and law enforcement, Use of vaccination program in hunt for Osama bin Laden, Improper search of computers used by Senate investigators, Resignation of officials and agents who would not work for Donald Trump, WikiLeaks' disclosure of CIA's cyber tools. Materials which will render the induction of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness. "[17], On December 30, 2009, a suicide attack occurred in the Forward Operating Base Chapman attack in the province of Khost, Afghanistan. [73], Unlike the US and Canada, Denmark had a centralized population register, allowing participants to be tracked over the course of several years. "U.S. vets say there were human guinea pigs | ABC7 San Francisco |". [49] In one case, they administered LSD to a mental patient in Kentucky for 174 days. NASA Deputy Administrator Robert Seamans stands to the left of von Braun. B Black sites (18 P) C Central Intelligence Agency domestic surveillance operations (10 P) E Extraordinary rendition program (2 C, 13 P) M [2][3] The tests were designed to determine coverage patterns and survivability of the tropical rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis) for use in biological warfare as disease vector. A spokeswoman for Wikipedia said in response that the changes may violate the encyclopedia's conflict-of-interest guidelines. 13 million CIA records were declassified and posted online a few weeks agothe result of a 2014 lawsuit filed by journalists seeking access to documents of historic value. 94-755, 94th Cong., 2d Sess. Several other proposals were included within Operation Northwoods, including real or simulated actions against various U.S. military and civilian targets. The program was canceled in 1966 after shifting ice created unstable conditions. Although the government aggressively, and sometimes successfully, sought to avoid legal liability, several plaintiffs did receive compensation through court order, out-of-court settlement, or acts of Congress. The operation recommended developing a "Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington". CREST currently houses over 10 million pages of declassified Agency documents. I think this is as serious as it gets," stated Anna Eshoo, Chairman, Subcommittee on Intelligence Community Management, U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI). [3] Guinea pigs were used as test subjects and placed around a 660-yard (600 m) circular grid.". Rappoport, J. Substances which increase the efficiency of mentation and perception. The documents will be available on and in the CIA Records Search Tool (CREST) at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland. Dont just read about intelligence operations, join us. ", Stunning tale of brainwashing, the CIA and an unsuspecting Scots researcher, "Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans Health? Since he realized there was a difference in testing the drug in a laboratory and using it in clandestine operations, he initiated a series of experiments where LSD was given to people in "normal" settings without warning. "[3] The CIA itself has responded to the claims made in Weiner's book, and has described it as "a 600-page op-ed piece masquerading as serious history. All rights reserved. In September 1946, President Harry Truman authorized a program called Operation Paperclip, which aimed to lure scientists from Nazi Germany to the United States following World War II. Sign up now. It often conducted experiments without the subjects' knowledge or consent. Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public. While Area 51, which operates as a detachment of Edwards Air Force Base in neighboring California, has never been declared a covert base, the research and activities conducted there were some of the nation's most closely guarded secrets. These declassified documents include a system designed to teach people how to focus their . DECLASSIFIED: CIA Explains Consciousness, The Matrix, Meditation, Holograms, Telepathy In5D March 28, 2020 Awareness, Enlightening Articles, Science 3 Comments Tweet Share DOWNLOAD: CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Weiner, Tim. [98] The majority argued that "a test for liability that depends on the extent to which particular suits would call into question military discipline and decision making would itself require judicial inquiry into, and hence intrusion upon, military matters." and other United States agencies employed at least a thousand Nazis as Cold War spies and informants and, as recently as the 1990s, concealed the governments ties to some still living in America, newly disclosed records and interviews show. Where appropriate, the United States seeks assurances that transferred persons will not be tortured. Stanislaw Stankiewicz was a member of the ABN Central Committee. Known to the public as the U.S. Air Force's Discoverer program, the classified CORONA project operated during the height of the Cold War to collect pictures over the denied areas of eastern Europe and Asia. While Area 51 was not a top-secret base designed to study extraterrestrials, the U.S. Air Force did study the existence of UFOs. [42] The CIA was interested in bird migration patterns for chemical and biological warfare (CBW) research; subproject 139 designated "Bird Disease Studies" at Penn State. (Keystone/Getty Images), A Soviet soldier inside the 350 yard tunnel extending from the American Sector of Berlin into the Soviet Sector on April 26, 1956. "CIA Experiments With Mind Control on Children". Fidel Castro arrives MATS Terminal, Washington, D.C. (Image credit: Warren K. Leffler, Library of Congress), The only color photograph available for the Trinity blast, taken by Los Alamos scientist and amateur photographer Jack Aeby from near Base Camp.

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declassified cia projects