why was yuja wang detained in vancouver

April 8, 2022 6 PM PT. He publishes regularly and writes occasionally. Wow, do really in all honesty think that is even worth a mention in review of her concert? Some pianists would have called the entire concert off under similar circumstances. By age 21, Wang was already an internationally acknowledged concert pianist, giving recitals around the world. Download 'Concerto Grosso No.8 in G minor Opus 6 (4)' on iTunes, 24 February 2020, 16:05 | Updated: 27 February 2020, 13:24. I certainly would have canceled if it had happened prior to the concert. Following on from Marin Aslops hostile blast, two, The Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra has chosen renowned conductor, After a dazzling concert with Anne-Sophie Mutter, Bavarian, Gruesome story in the Daily Mail that convenient. Her absurd behavior in Vancouver simply proved a point she has already made many times before: she is a performer, not an artist. Remember that she is human like the rest of us, well, not exactly, but we praise her heart when shes playing but you would condemn that same heart here. Yuja Wang performs a program with works by Bach, Beethoven, and Schoenberg, April 10, 2022. I know that I am unfortunately not the only person to have had this kind of traumatic experience, which has shaken me to my core. But in this case there was no need to explain anything because surely she was going to finish, and who cares about sunglasses anyway (except Ms.Miller)? Friends/fans of Yuja know she had been detained for over one hour at the Vancouver Airport and questioned. If you are a recent or a old timer Yuja Wang fan, we want you all to get the best seats at best prices and watch Yuja Wang perform live in the stadium. Never judging a person before you know what really happened. Both of you remember this: a century from now, Yuja Wang will be listed in Wikipedia as one of the great pianist of the last 100 years, whereas neither of you will be remembered for more than a few months after your deaths. The soloist's touch turned playful and feathery as the storm clouds parted. Miller has since apologised for her comments. I dont want to say that I dont believe it didnt trouble her. Turning 35 next month, Yuja has seemingly racked up more accolades than she has Instagram followers, some 210,000. Why was she detained? Trump? ! i played along from my seat! Your comments display nothing more than your lack of empathy. Asymptomatic carriers are of great concern. . So stop acting like petulent children. I am sure she did her best, after all, she could have cancelled the program but she didnt. To begin with, Wang's program was . If it was simple racial profiling (hard to believe) that she would be right to be upset, of course. Yuja Wang's age is 35. This would not ordinarily be news, because Yuja Wang is a superstar pianist and therefore plays a lot of concerts. Her refusal to cancel the show despite what had just happened to her highlights her incredible professionalism. On arrival at Vancouver International Airport on Friday, I was detained for over an hour and subjected to intense questioning which I found humiliating and deeply upsetting. Tania Miller has since responded with an apology to both Wang and her fans: The Vancouver Recital Society issued this statement: We are so grateful to Yuja Wang for being the consummate professional during her all too brief time in Vancouver on Friday evening. Cambodia? Well, as many of you know, we are in an time where people have stooped to behaving quite primitively . Expand. Too bad. BUT!! V. Lind, Montral Mirabel? Like the usual Carnegie Hall cognoscenti I heard Horowitz last year, he was SO MUCH BETTER then (an actual quotation). Sensitive lot around here However, Ive run into plenty of people with your type of attitude. Its too bad, BUT IT IS NOT PERSONAL. You might like to read her statement (below, from Instagram & Facebook) about this rather than leaping to conclusions based on your assumptions about her supposed attention seeking: I bet she had no problem collecting that fat Canadian paycheck despite whatever problems she might have encountered at Customs. Just like you. Following on from Marin Aslops hostile blast, two, The Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra has chosen renowned conductor, After a dazzling concert with Anne-Sophie Mutter, Bavarian, Gruesome story in the Daily Mail that convenient. The second clearly an illegal war. eTickets has top seats available for every Yuja Wang concert in Canada and the US. Yuja Wang got some major emotional distress at customs, it bummed her out, she couldnt do her job. It doesnt matter what happened behind the scenes, if the artist cant give you your pretties, then badmouth them, because, like, you were just totally ripped off by Ms. Wang, werent you, just completely burned, and you have every right to be furious with this wretched performer who dared to not give you, the Pentultimate Big Dude of The Universe, the show you deserved. My recital tour will continue, and I look forward to bringing my program to the audience in San Francisco tonight, and on to New York. Some of the audience tittered at the thought that this was some sort of cool new dress code. Technically everything was dazzling, every detail crisp and perfectly articulated, with chords exactly weighted and precisely placed. I should have clarified that she died after I had played. Then you are qualified to be a music teacher. . She didnt want to distract the audience with her red and swollen eyes, so instead wore sunglasses and appeared shaken up, distant and refused an encore? Her sunglasses also made us think she might be ill, to shield her eyes from the bright stage lighting. As lousy as this experience was, nobody is suggesting that Yuja is scarred for life. Chinese virtuoso pianist Yuja Wang had been in Vancouver on Friday for a concert at the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts with the Vancouver Recital Society. 6am - 9am, Concerto Grosso No.8 in G minor Opus 6 (4) 10 February 1987 (age 35) Born In Beijing, China Yuja Wang (Chinese: ; pinyin: Wng Yji; born February 10, 1987) is a Chinese classical pianist. My heart goes out to anyone else who has, and my hope is that by sharing what happened to me, there can be a much needed conversation and change in protocol to ensure this doesnt happen to anyone else. This shows me how a narrowminded personality you must be.. As a concert presenter/promotor, I would be curious to know 1) Did the presenter apply for a proper working visa for the artist to work legitimately and 2) if the artist has hold on any kind of invitation letter to perform proving that she is coming to the city to perform and be able to present such letter to the immigration on request? I ask myself whether it is real or imaginedand then I realize it doesnt matter. So, please, show a bit of respect for artists, most of whom never even hint at what they have to put up with before walking out there at 7.30 and being world class. 5. Pianist Yuja Wang, shown in an earlier photo, surprised listeners during a recent Orchestra Hall recital. On arrival at Vancouver International Airport on Friday, I was detained for over an hour and subjected to intense questioning which I found humiliating and deeply upsetting. She is really good. Im somewhat late to the party on this but am really shocked to see how horribly judgemental people are. . Wearing sunglasses is SUPER weird. Based on your logic, US citizens should be detained anywhere first of all. If Yuja had a history of being a prima donna, this rush to judgement may be understood, but she is NOT in the least a star (except in her performance). all these gives good or bad impressions to the immigrant officer. I did not have your name until now. (The UK is the worst culprit, paying insultingly low fees for the honor of being invited to grace its mostly dilapidated halls. She won the Echo Klassik Award for Young Artist of the Year in 2011. Yuja is Normans click bait. It means you can produce conversational English, just like most high school students. In going out on to the stage after an abusive interaction with border officials, she showed that she is a class act, a consummate professional, and a deeply dedicated, audience-first performer. She is not a beginner applying for a chance to play in places she has people who deal with this sort of thing. Do you love it when people think you are an authority because you can write about something? I decided that wearing sunglasses was the only way to prevent my distress from being seen, since I wasnt yet prepared to make a statement about what happened. Her traumatic experience at Canadian border control was upsetting to say the least. It still shows how much dedication she has to her audience and fans. Membership benefits will include a daily digest of stories delivered to your email, and occasional exclusive offers from our partners. . Canadian conductor Tania Miller, who had attended the concert, took to her Facebook page to write a post criticizing Wang for what she said was effectively shutting the audience out. Artists are so fed up of being told to be perfect, and to conceal who they are or what they are going through from the public, because service to the music and audience demands it. to write a post criticizing Wang for what she said was effectively shutting the audience out. I was then released, giving me very little time to travel to the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts. Dont even start me on US border control, and the lines, and the attitude. And the fees are not always what the public might think. I am deeply grateful to Leila Getz and her team in Vancouver, and to the audience there with me in the hall for their support throughout the day and evening. Yuja is human too. She strikes me as an excellent pianist. Such is not the case with those of us who regularly perform with local orchestras or in recital. Nevertheless, Yuja still gave a stunning recital in Vancouver. A few actually go on the road and be the real thing, traveling, professional, performance musicians, and this, friends, is in the grand tradition of 14th century lute players traveling from town to town, proffering their audio wares, rubber meets road the real thing. Yuja is a performer who already has a justly deserved reputation for putting herself before the music, and, therefore, the audience. The effect was shocking. The Washington Post calls her "arguably" the hottest pianist in the . The reason is: while coronavirus claims about 2000+ lives, Islamic Terrorism claimed already hundreds of thousands all over the world. We welcome Musical America's 2016 Musician of the Year back to the VRS after an absence of 10 years. No picture was appended to her text post explaining the situation on FB : the picture you say she appended was simply her Profile Picture. I decided that wearing sunglasses was the only way to prevent my distress from being seen, since I wasnt yet prepared to make a statement about what happened. Apart from the fact that we dont know the reason for this questioning (as if St. Yuja is incapable of fault. Especially with Yuja Wang. The music was wonderful. . I mean, who would wear sunglasses at a concert unless their eyes were puffy and red and embarrassing. Or just got offended because someone decided to wear sunglasses, frankly, Im completely baffled by your attitude here. Through a small village in Sudtirol (Austria): one for the rich. Bergamo is just few hours away. You dont have to play this game. I am SO SICK of people pretending Yuja Wang is a bad musician for how she dresses. If so, I must have missed that. Has anyone considered that she might have violated the Canadian law in some way? The soloist splashes through explosive passagework, with rapid-fire. You can guarantee that something was very wrong for Yuja to behave as she did. Concern yourself with, I dont know, climate change? They teach. I was at the concert (seated quite close to the stage) and can attest that no one in my immediate vicinity or with whom I spoke during intermission or afterwards was furious. Michael holds a Doctorate in Music from the University of Toronto. She released a DVD on which she performs Sergei Prokofiev's famous piece "Piano Concerto No. Who said what to whom in that room will never be known, but someone who has been an international artist for so long, with her papers in order, would likely have been shaken to be subject to interrogation. After all, she is only a human being who went through something that affected her in a horrific way. I recall just after 911 I was in line boarding the plane for the Winter Olympics when I was seemingly randomly pulled out of line and searched. My audiences and fans sustain and nourish me as an artist. Davidat this moment there are tens of thousands dead of Covid-19 across the globe (perhaps hundreds of thousands, since we cannot trust the numbers coming from China). Vancouver, Canada > Thu Nov 11 2021: Yuja Wang Walt Disney . If he had any dignity he would take this post down. It would never be my intention to snub or disengage with an audience, she said. Hopefully Ms.Miller has now learnt that next time she should just keep her mouth closed, she has already done herself enough damage. http://yujawang.com/tour-through-china-with-the-wiener-philharmoniker/. 16. He was supposed to hit the little white ball so my, I mean, his team could win, but he didnt hit the little white ball what a lousy baseball player, he looked stupid, his clothes were stupid, he couldnt even hit the ball, what an overrated loser, made me almost regurgitate my ball park franks, I want my money back. I once played in Argentina and my flight was canceled enroute to the venue on the day of the concert. She was so shaken and crying from the incident, she had to wear her sunglasses to hide her red and swollen eyes. They have real talent. You can't even go to a video of Yuja Wang on youtube without negative comments about what she wears. Thank you to everyone who has sent or shared words of support during this difficult time. . That was a cheap shot. The login page will open in a new tab. She perfectly well knows that it is tough being an artist, and even tougher being a traveling artist, and considerably tougher being an international touring artist. ), the crying part is ridiculously childish. I was left extremely shaken by this experience. 3- Canadian border security are known for being intrusive and not particularly amenable. It is Beautiful! NL is always obsessed with Ms. Wang, having penned at least half a dozen posts on the inappropriateness of what the artist chooses to wear. Wang certainly blew the minds of her Lincoln Center audience. There you can experience intense questioning. Naaaaahhh, shes just jealous. Not helpful for our industry and not even actual journalism. . Feb 26, 2020. 2. You went to a concert, YOU DESERVE TO BE ENTERTAINED. conflict of status ( working on a tourists visa, the Q and A process was not consistence enough . So I cant imagine how mentally hard it must of been for Yuja, especially after this shocking experience at border and yet she still carried out her performance. She won the Echo Klassik Award for Young Artist of the Year in 2011. We have received so many comments from patrons who attended the recital, glowing about how wonderfully she performed and asking for her return. Michael Vincent is the Editor-in-chief Ludwig Van and CEO of Museland Media. The Canadian Borders is bad enough for anyone who looks Asian, and especially with covid-19 going on. The wrist was taped, and the artist was whacked out on oxycontin, but managed to play the gig. This would be a red flag at any border, for anyone of any ethnic appearance. So, Ms. Wang had the right to be at least upset if not more. You can be sure all her papers were in perfect order. It seems inhumane to expect someone to get on the stage and be their best, or even just their norm, in such circumstances. I think you should review your definition of terrorism. She released a DVD on which she performs Sergei Prokofiev's famous piece "Piano Concerto No. on: December 02, 2017, 08:12:41 PM. Oooh, sooo sad for you. Oops, there I go again, cheap, vulgar opinion about someone I know nothing about just the same as the way she spoke about Yuja. The login page will open in a new tab. Oh, for Petes sake on her FB page, she says she was subjected to intense questioning by the Canadian Customs and her eyes were swollen from crying. Ms. Millers comments about COVID-19 are a nasty distraction. But Miss Wang is a master of arousal. . A few things: Yuja Wangs dresses. She was paid to play for you, not coddle your fragile ego. My audiences and fans sustain and nourish me as an artist.. Things are going to be tough with the corona virus spreading around the world. . She may be tiny in stature and on stage her slinky dresses are clearly meant to thrill. But never, not for one second, did she hold back in her performances, and I felt very lucky to be there for such an intimate and courageous sharing of music. Then you have the respected conductor condescendingly giving advice to a major artist what she must not forget about music. The people sitting around me were all mesmerized by her performance, particular the Bach piece and the encore Chopin. Did you get upset because you didnt get properly entertained? Thus, the fear and the vetting is 100% justified, while detaining Ms. Wang is NOT! !tu ne laime pas ok !! LOL, she is the best we have ? They can present the results to the authorities, thereby avoiding interrogation. Not for 5 months! As a pianist who has performed hundreds of concerts, sometimes in dire situations (I performed an all Beethoven recital the day my mother died), I have always resented the show must go on mentality. I mean, really, who gives a rats a** what you think? It is recommended before booking a flight ticket; make sure you are aware of the status of the coronavirus outbreak in your destination. LEts leave it at that. She is a gentle, kind, funny, passionate, sincere person. And questioned Year back to the concert claimed already hundreds of thousands all over the.! Gave a stunning recital in Vancouver im somewhat late to the authorities, avoiding. Really happened border control was upsetting to say the least ; arguably & ;... Now learnt that next time she should just keep her mouth closed she. Etickets has top seats available for every Yuja Wang performs a program with works by,... Membership benefits will include a daily digest of stories delivered to your email, Schoenberg... Her incredible professionalism horrific way in Sudtirol ( Austria ): one the... An absence of 10 years Argentina and my flight was canceled enroute to the authorities, thereby avoiding interrogation Year. 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why was yuja wang detained in vancouver