girlfriends baby daddy wants to fight

Maybe your girlfriend should consider allowing him sometime to heal before leaving him responsible for a child in his obviously unstable state. We are in the exact same boat. Court Order Restricting Ex's New Partner. Idris and Sabrina Elba discuss their shared purpose and Somali, Ghanaian-Sierra Leonan roots. 2. Netflix. Dvka doplnn se na led kbelk: stock video (100% bez. He keeps telling her that their child deserves a family, her family (her mom and dad) instead of some guy raising her. I don't know what to do because the problem is that we have never met face to face. Remember no matter how "crazy" Dad may be he is STILL Dad. It's easy to get provoked when an ex-boyfriend enters your territory. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It depends on the situation. My ex-boyfriend and I split up after he cheated on me, and I'm now with someone else and living in another She has no mom, no dad to help with child care, or living expenses so I guess I felt the need to be there and support her and her child. Cookie Notice Tiny flexible girl gets massive creampie. My girlfriend's ex will tell people that they are still together and she is ashamed she ever dated him in the first place. Take a look. I am dealing with my situation with prayer and trying to stay out of it unless she needs me. I'm here with you bro. Should i let my girlfriend go out to places with her baby daddy still? The Coli - The Best Hip Hop, Rap, Sports Forum and Message Board. "Well". so I asked her why break up but instead to take a break ..she's said Ok and here we are the first day of break and no texts barely and if there is its like 3 words max 2 or more hours apart but there you have it my situation. I told him they wouldn't do it. If she says shes not interested shes not interested. The only reason she has any contact with him is if involves her daughter. She has made her decision to go back. First off the reason they aren't together. Since we used condoms during our little rendezvous, I naturally assumed that positive pregnancy test I was staring at was the result of an unprotected tryst with my beau after we returned. It hurts so in love with my baby daddy and he's crazy, Girlfriends being friends with baby daddy's. Her and I are both respectable adults and he is just a loser that gets satisfaction out of making my girlfriend's life hell because she didn't want to be with him. You dump her, and move on. *SMACK* "20, sorry . I think you should decide why you want to physically confront him, before you possibly alienate your stepchilds father. He kept changing the days he would have the kid. I think my gf 30f is planning on running away Monday 35f. I mean seriously can an unemployed loser with a drug and violence problem be in any way beneficial to the kid? I use these times to try to bond with my baby daddy, because he left me for someone else. I've read here before, but never posted. But if your knocking on my door at 11 pm it has nothing to do with her. Thank you to anyone that can help answer my questions lol. You re playing house, acting like wife, cooking, cleaning, taking care of his child by another woman, and being oh too accommodating, and, yet you re not his wife. But the question you aren't facing here is that she the girl you are with chose willingly to lay down and have sex with this man until she conceived his child. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Move far away with your gf and the kid. Our commitment to showcasing the best and brightest as well as highlighting disparities in Black life has been, and will always be, cornerstone to EBONY. When she told me about this- I got a little upset. Now I Don't Know Who My Child's Father Is". The moment you got with this chick, you signed up to be in drama world. The baby deserves a baby role model Peace reply #4 Joe 13 years ago I had brought the situation up if she was scared of asking me what she had asked me .she said she was because she didn't wanna loose me and she didn't know how'd I take it.but I had told her I wouldn't leave her for any reason like that ..then she said he was causing her stress because hes always messing with her brain saying **** like you weren't suppose to move on & he left his other baby momma and he got kicked out of their and now he's homeless but wants to get back with her ( to me it sounds like a pile of ****) the next day she seems sad when I see her at her home at night ..she's distant all day thoughts when I went to see her I knew something was up..( now I wish I hadn't asked ) I asked what's up what's wrong why are you so sad .. She told me she was super stressed and that her minds a mess and all she can think about is her babies happiness and she doesn't like seeing him cry when that **** leaves . Madi Brooks lives with her husband in the US, but as she explains in her TikTok videos, if she's not in the mood, she's quite happy for her mum to sleep with him. Period. I see that this was a long time ago but to be frank your comment infuriates me. Am I(23f) being unreasonable for feeling insecure and inadequate, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. He is staying at someones duplex, we dont know who's, but its definitely not his. Just leave her to sort it out herself. I would put some distance between you and this whole issue, it reads heart break ahead once the baby daddy comes into the scene. Guys that get involved with women that have children needs to accept that if the father wants to be an active parent, the new guy should butt out. I tried telling her all these things like I love you blah blah but it seemed like it was more of a way of pushing her away because all she says she is this why I don't want a relationship now because she's too stressed over stuff going on with her . Now you are in drama world, and don't know what to do. Baby Daddy Issues Trust Issues am I crazy??? It may not display this or other websites correctly. Or am I in the wrong? girlfriends baby daddy come over for holidays and spend the day with us as a family is ok? Leave town if possible! We are living in a mobile home. I hear a lot of FEAR and what ifs'. But i had a dream of me in jail. However he is the father of those kids and hes spending time with them so dont get in the way. I was told I was strange and weird for going somewhere alone, I think Parents who have big families are selfish, Press J to jump to the feed. Be the bigger man and show that by example. Either, you spread your legs too early or didn't have enough self discipline to wait and see how many "red flags" went up with this guy. If she does answer the phone to ask him to watch his son he's cursin her out for no reason at all or askin for money which he would never get from her in a million years. I've been in the picture since he was one and have a great relationship with him (the child). Because that crazy dude will always be tied to that child and as long as he has rights to his kids to see them you will always be dealing with him in some form or another. Hot sex tube - Search - Bing. Now normally, I wouldn't even date someone if I knew they were tied to a guy like this, but I didn't really learn about him fully until I got to know her. It wont be healthy for the child tho just because the child is going to get confused. If you do then walk away your girlfriend will be in a good position to care for herself and her kid not up the creek without a paddle. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Is it safe leaving the child with such an abusive deadbeat. I cut school with him for a month straight. Don't listen to people who say it is a vendetta. Giving him a few minutes to voice his mind won't hurt you *and it'll be fun too*. There is nothing wrong with you and I believe you care about your girlfriend, but the big question here is to you. A lot of the time, the girl needs time to grow and figure out what she wants and needs for her child, but she wont get a chance if she gets into another relationship right away. My girlfriends CRAZY BABY DADDY (HELP!!!!!). Next week's blog will focus on the child support matters with new girlfriends or boyfriends. Kind of different situation but same theme. ok she 14 months i understand its crucial to let the baby see the father but he gets the baby Wednesday night to Sunday morning and my girlfriend Sunday to Wednesday so they get equal visiting but is it appropriate for my girlfriend and the baby daddy to go places and just because i want to go to that a bunch of drama gets started or even the fact of them just going just them three? Dreaming Of You Fighting With Your Girlfriend. Every couple fight now and then When they happen in dreams, their interpretation is totally opposite of the negative feelings of your dream. Instead, he wanted to see me have sex with another man. You cant change people and you cant make someone be a good father if they dont wanna be. Now, I have strange circumstances, I still live with the baby daddy, but we're not together - FYI. Your ex keeps explaining the breakup and/or apologizing. The girl has to put her foot down and stop letting her "ex" run the show. Yesterday he wanted to drop off something and i told him i would be gone and would call him today.Well i got home early and of course he showed up banging on the door like he the police. she said I still don't know I had to leave so she said I'll text you .then she texts me aand she Says I'm not tryna make you feel like I'm dissing you I'm not mad at you at all.. If he sets a foot wrong CALL THE COPS! How do I get my baby daddy back when he has a girlfriend? Wait for him to cross that line first and make sure you have witnesses who are on your side otherwise it is your word against his. He's just ridiculous. It's hard to leave someone that you love and needs your help but the reality is that, SHE got into their situation and SHE need to get out of the situation on her own. Straight up he just wants to hold on to her and keep her on the back burner to fall in tell her this open her eyes yea she's thinking about her baby but she's not thinking deep enough she's just going backwards and gonna fall into the same trap she was in before she's blind right now Becasue a good guy you came along and now this either she never moved on or she wants u both just open her eyes and tell her but let her be as much as it hurts let her come to u move on if u have to and she will realize it good luck, Thanks friend I appreciate your feedback sorry for the late response .well I'm kinda out of it these days we don't talk anymore maybe once in while lil texts like hey or one worded things .it looks like its over really . Her conception might not have been ideal, but her birth is most certainly a blessing. Seriously don't sit around waiting for something bad to happen. and about to take him shopping and then I asked what he had on that ticket and he hung up, sob aint called no more. I Love you and hope the other women who may read this post appreciate the step dads and men who step in to take the role and responsibility like these men are. Girlfriend and baby daddy drama, please help! Child Custody Fighting for Child Custody between Unmarried . And she says she loves him but isn't in love with him. Annalisa Barbieri advises a reader . Now I'm a 24 year old black male, and I've been with my girlfriend for 4 months, known her for 6 1/2, and the father of her 13 month old son is the craziest cat I've ever met. This guy is an ****! I think Im the problem. She knew what she was going back to and was willing to try. Get your life in order, girl. Our baby is now 3 years old. It's hard due to the situation to be trusting but I see spending my life with her. She is the one who puts up with this if he is not helping her financially, why the F would she let him see the kid? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. But you really don't need this reminder - you remember them every single second of every single day. Hope this helps. My girlfriends baby daddy will not quit trying to get her back. And besides, What you wont do, another woman will, right? My girlfriends baby daddy beat her and kicked her out, and kept her child. Well, if he now suddenly wants to be part of his daughter's life, I'm sure he won't mind your gf lawyering up and going for child support he owes. To spend the day with you as a family on a family day shouldnt be an issue. Be strong. Absolutely avoid getting on the ground, but if you fall to the ground, kick at your attacker to keep them away from you. That tells them "I can have a baby and if i don't like the Daddy or he leaves I will find another man to fill the void". By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. After calling me every name in the book, accusing me of having sex with the hotel stranger on the side and slandering me to everyone we knew, including my family, my now ex-boyfriend packed his bags and moved out. Whatever the reasons for the infidelity may be, it can be hard for many people to carry on with a relationship after their partner has cheated on them without . MY GIRLFRIENDS DAD WANTS TO FIGHT ME in Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 6 gameplaySUBSCRIBE \u0026 CLICK THE BELL! What started off as my boyfriends fantasy soon became my own and I lived and loved each minute of their simultaneous pleasures. I'm dealing with the exact same situation now and need to know how yours turned out. Danielle, if you would like to leave the contact information for your national talk show, you can fill out the form in the contact us page and ask permission with the site operators. My girlfriends CRAZY BABY DADDY (HELP!!!!! Telling your father, "I don't want you to joke about watching me have sex . The "grand gesture" is often not that grand. She still wants her father and I to do things together but because she wants her family back together. i mean i trust her completly and understand they just trying to maintain a healthy freindship for there daughters sake. He's following his dream and not caring about what she are the other baby mama thinks abut it and that's what have her chasing him when he's in town. He wants to be back with her and has let it be know in the past. By Confused, 6 years ago on Dating 2,465 I'm 26 and my girl is 27 So I'm going to go into great detail about my situation. I was with my new man so i called the cops to let them deal with it. He became a little distant and I wasn't sure why. Hey Carlos sorry for very late response I forgot I had this until I went through a email lol but I read your comment and I can tell you it hurts like hell I know but everyone walks there own path in life if she wants to walk the wrong path then you got to let her man there too many girls out there that deserve the love we can provide I know I found another beautiful woman who I want to spend the rest of my life with she takes care of me and I take care of her. He will slut you out to this man and then leave you and your reputation in the trash. But I'm looking at what boundaries I should put out there. She is a broken mess inside and out and the constant harassment has even caused us to breakup twice. 4. Even if it doesn't inspire him to do right, the potential for reality TV level drama is cut down a bit. I trust her. My girlfriend's baby's daddy is trying to break us up. He's contacted me saying I'm a homewrecker and that they still have sex, go on dates etc. How do you deal with someone who has NOTHING? honestly i want my son to know who his father is because kids don't understand concept of broke **** bums. Its not a problem as long as you don't mind a ton of drama. That is ****! Be a great mom. Here's the answer she gave. I prayed hard for the father of my daughter to be my ex, but the joke was on me when the results confirmed that a nameless figure was the father of my child. But of course I did not! The baby daddy wants her to sign papers so that he does not have to pay or have any rights to this baby. I mean it in a nice way, I'm totally with you on this journey! For now I just focus on loving her. Heyy? . Im only 5'4 so i feel i have to defend myself. Those words were always in the back of my mind as I dated. And I just got out of an 8 year relationship myself. now everything was I mean spot on .we had it down right.she told me never to hurt her and that's she asked of me .me the same & that every problem we had we'd fix together and not fall out.. My girlfriends baby daddy will not quit trying to get her back, By entering this site you declare On the surface, the advice makes sense. its kinda of a concept from frank Sinatra its the revenge is self success. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Lisa scoffed, feeling a sense of injustice. Should you feel tha the threat is 'real' and imminent, that is, likely to occur very soon, you should seek an injunciton to protect you. It didn't phase him at all. It is easier to get your baby father back if there isn't another woman in his life. I will be there for my son no matter what! And just recently- he told her he can't have him any more than 2 days a week now because his family won't help him with the kid. When she drops her son off, if she forgets to leave her purse at home, he'll find a way to steal her wallet somehow because he likes to act like he's going to get his son out of the carseat, but actually sit in the front seat and harass her. Make him pay for the kid. Was it my boyfriend or some man whose name I didnt even know? But his being threatened by your ex and what he sees as you "acting like a family" with him in ways he deems "extracurricular" could be indicative of someone who is simply not cut out for dating someone with kids. I'm 33 and she's 29. Happiest child in the world, very pretty and intelligent and is a wee singer. So yeah we're dating and everything's a dream.and then this happens the father of the kid comes back . Why can she stay with him, but I can't?". she could be civil to him and talk to him if he visits her son but its a whole different matter if they talk on the phone for three hours! Follow My Twitter: TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: channel: #fortniteFortnite Season 6 LIVE EVENT and BATTLE PASS Reaction! Many people think that fathers do not get the right to ask for child support, but this is not true. I run up the stairs and slam the door shut as I hear Daddy racing up the stairs again. Fighting for Child Custody between Unmarried Parents Where You Need a Lawyer: Zip Code or City: (This may not be the same place you live) Most Common Family Issues: Adoptions Guardianship Child Custody and Visitation Paternity Child Support Separations Divorce Spousal Support or Alimony Especially sence she wanted me to cut off all ties with my ex and dosnt even want the thought of her in my mind. "Baby you still have five more but I'll make them quick ones sweety" he says calmly. Forums > Sports, Hip Hop & Piff > The Locker Room >. Ive learned that all you can do is continue being a responsible adult and teach the kid what a good person is so they can realize on their own that "dad", though they love him, isn't the kind of person they want to be like when they grow up. I hadn't seen her for a two days and the distance grew between us .. Until i seen her and I worked up the strength to tell her to give me straight answers about what to do . If you eventually go out with her, you will regret it. Even if the mum and her new guy end up together, the child's father will always be in the picture one way or another, and quite simply that needs to be accepted. Privacy Policy. I (31f) was blackmailed tonight over my husband's (32m) Press J to jump to the feed. The doctor revealed my conception date and I was horrified. Because I feel like it's falling more and more on her. We've been se My Hubby's ex girlfriends daughter calls him daddy and he is NOT THE FATHER!!! When I told my best friend, red flags went up for her immediately: Hes trying to get rid of you. Video from Ep. Now thats advice worth giving. He is on work release Its not a problem as long as you don't mind a ton of drama. And I'm also feeling like she's helping her ex out more and more. And before me- she was with the baby daddy for 4 years. 1, sorry daddy *smack* 2, sorry daddy . Get a Lawyer and get a protection order as soon as possible. Dont do it! But I didnt believe her, this man had loved me since college, he would never hurt me like that. Roberts, 31, asked Circuit Court Judge Holly Meyer on Dec. 27 to allow their daughter to take the Biden name, claiming it would benefit their daughter because it is "now synonymous with being well. The only thing harder than breaking up/going No Contact with a narcissist is breaking up/going No Contact with a narc who also happens to be your baby daddy/momma. Watch popular content from the following creators: DramaMama(@dramam0mma), Kayleigh G. (@girlthatskayliegh), casper_the_human(@casper_the_humann), FindTheDrama(@findthedrama), Jordyn(@jordynrudolph), kels(@kelshaaye), Mariah Angle(@mariahangle), Dylan(@mitchelldylan0318), casper_the_human(@casper_the_humann . Good luck bro and happy hunting. broken-telephone 4 yr. ago In this case, the other parent may try to get a court order prohibiting the ex's boyfriend/girlfriend from spending the night or being allowed to visit during the ex's parenting time. Speaking to Vanity Fair, the Magic Mike star . Based on the countless emails and comments that I receive from victims (both male AND female) who struggle to co-parent with a narcissist ex, it's clear to me that there are no easy solutions. The sickening part is that he uses the child as a way to try to win her back. My baby daddy wants to fight my boyfriend, my landlord is trying to bogusly evict me, and I want to quit my job because I have a terrible boss. He has no legal authority to take the child without a court order. I was totally out of ideas when a few months before his birthday he asked a question that would change my life forever. I am recently going through the process of purchasing a gun leagally the right way just to protect her and me. Bro, we need to talk. Some even think that if they can cause enough problems with you, they will eventually ruin their exes relationship. Look for an opportunity to get up but don't turn away from the other person. you are 18 or older, you read and agreed to the. My boyfriend took me to the exact same places where he took his ex. he's in his 40s and im only 20,, he's bigger than me tho im slightly taller than him. She says it cause the baby. 9)She's continuously texting late at night. 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girlfriends baby daddy wants to fight