how do polis massan eat

We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. Society: Polis Massan society is based on community, the desire for fulfilling work, and a deep hunger for knowledge. Though they are able to learn the languages of other species, the average Polis Massan lacks the organs required to actually speak them. This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars RPG. No Vocal Chords: The vast majority of Polis Massans are born without vocal chords, though a small subset does possess them. The Polis Massan medical facility (Polis Massa medical center) was an advanced surgical center located on the asteroid colony of Polis Massa. Though they lack a shared consciousness, Polis Massans see their species as a collective in which everyone is supportive of one another and eachmember serves an important role. Physical Description: Polis Massans possess smooth, gray skin. Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide. Referred to as "speakers" by their people, these rare individuals can physically speak languages, though their voices are soft and strangely, resonant. Because few Polis Massans possess vocal chords, the language is a combination of elaborate signs, body language, and telepathy. When ZED-6-7 found a damaged Chroon-Tan B-Machine midwifery droid, he accessed her memory and found footage from the day Amidala had been brought there. Though designed with Polis Massan physiology in mind, bodysuits for use by other. Though the majority of Polis Massans lack vocal chords, they are able to communicate with others using a simple form of telepathy. After Order 66 all but wiped out the Jedi, this lonely outpost provided a brief respite for Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda before they went into exile. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The field is composed of countless fragments of the Eellayin homeworld, which was destroyed by some kind of cataclysm long ago. The Amidalans who wanted to kill him, believing he was responsible for the deaths of Amidala and Skywalker, followed him there. The center of Polis Massa's mining operations is an excavation, where the current inhabitants search for clues to the lost. Little is known of their actual homeworld other than they too come from Subterrel sector, the same area of space that contains their asteroid home. With the exception of a pair of expressionless black eyes, Polis Massans possess no facial features at all. Following long years analyzing the alien DNA, the Polis Massans decided to use their own cloning techniques in an attempt to recreate an Eellayin. Little is known of their actual homeworld other than they too come from Subterrel sector, the same area of space that . Plus, you have our Needless to say, this technology has become very useful in their research of the past. Sw ffg system. [8], Vader visiting in quest for vengeance on those who hid his son from him. Though the Polis Massans evolved on another world in the Subterrel sector, they have been away from their homeworld for so long that they have no living memory of their origins. In my campaign, I've decided they just sort of osmose their food. They maintain a number of sealed outposts on the barren rock surface, toiling away at their interests with little involvement with the surrounding galaxy. Though the asteroid is airless and incapable of supporting life, the Polis Massans have established a number of outposts where they can live and perform their research in peace. Polis Massan. They still may not train Medicine above rank 2 during character creation. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Vader then watched the recording of Amidala's final words saying there was still good in Anakin. Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. They have become known as Polis Massans because they have spent so long on this rocky planetoid in the Outer Rim. I think it could be that that is a mask of some sort, though I could be wrong. Adventurers: Nobles and Scouts are common Heroic Classes for Polis Massan characters. Arriving at the ruins of the Polis Massa Base, ZED-6-7 said that Polis Massa had been a rebel base prior to being bombarded by the Empire years earlier. They view the Eellayin as kin, however distant, who were lost to some unknowable apocalypse. jSarek 08:31, 7 January 2008 (UTC). They tend to wear formfitting bodysuits decorated with functional accessories, such as Utility Belts, Tools, and Medical Gear . This looks like an interesting enough character, but who the heck is it? Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide. I finally finished my first campaign's "group photo" "Computer, write me a game for my players. As descendents of cetaceans from cold oceans, I posit that they developed near undersea thermal vents and the lack of mouths is due to metabolizing heat directly. The overwhelming focus of the Polis Massan people is their attempt to find some link between themselves and the Eellayin. Slowed down footage of the asteroid field from Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back was used as a placeholder for Polis Massa in the evolving edit of Episode III. Though there are invariably differences of opinion between individuals, they attempt to bridge these gaps by using their shared ancestry as common ground. The Polis Massan are a faceless race of xenobiologists who migrated to the Polis Massa asteroids in search of archeological remains of the Eellayin whose homeworld was destroyed in some cataclysm which created the asteroids. Unsigned comment by (talkcontribs). I'm playing a Polis Massan character in a campaign, and another player is playing a droid. Physiology: Polis Massans are a small-bodied species standing an average of 1.4 meters tall. Instead, they have dedicated themselves to researching a lost civilization, once native to Polis Massa, known as the Eellayin. no risk refund guarantee The Polis Massans seek to explore the origins of the Eellayin in the hopes that they may discover something of themselves in this ancient and extinct Species. Polis Massans are mute and thus use sign language or machines to make their intentions known. These beings have osmotic membrane faces and growth-rings circling their wiry bodies. Why did that character look nothing like the action figure or the spoiler pics I saw on the net.In the film I saw she was a flying robot.Was that for the DLP version only?K.M. As such, every Polis Massan views his fellows as siblings. Polis Massans are short, thin beings with a flattened and pale face. They are descended from a cetacean ancestor, as evidenced by smooth, gray skin covering a thin layer of insulating blubber. As is their way, the Polis Massans have kept their involvement with the Kaminoans a secret, and they arent inclined to share the knowledge with anyone else. You should check them out. Spark Of Rebellion Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. The Polis Massan are a faceless race of xenobiologists who migrated to the Polis Massa asteroids in search of archeological remains of the Eellayin whose homeworld was destroyed in some cataclysm which created the asteroids. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. The Polis Massan have galactic-wide fame because of their compassion and kindness, while their also characteristic discretion was not as widely known. Additionally, the Kaminoan specialists are reviewing the Polis Massan cloning techniques and equipment in an attempt to improve them. Presumably Eellayin in origin, this genetic material comprises the most precious discoveries the Polis Massans have made. It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. They still may not train Medicine above rank 2 during character creation. -- Craven 13:16, 25 May 2007 (UTC) Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Despite this, they are incredibly communicative in their use of gestures, signs, and body language. The Polis Massan are a faceless race of xenobiologists who migrated to the Polis Massa asteroids in search of archeological remains of the Eellayin whose homeworld was destroyed in some cataclysm which created the asteroids. Maybe they just need sunlight, radiation or solar winds to keep their body working. SWCombine requires Javascript to run properly. Society: Polis Massan society is based on community, the desire for fulfilling work, and a deep hunger for knowledge. I can see comlinks having a "texting" feature, but . A rare few Polis Massans do possess vocal chords, however, and many such individuals have proven to be skilled linguists. This system began with the release of the beta Edge of the Empire rulebook in 2012, and it's since blossomed into full fantasticness with three core rulebooks, four beginner's boxes, and over a dozen adventures and sourcebooks. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Average Height/Weight:A typical Polis Massan stands at 1.4 meters tall and weighs 40 kilograms. With the exception of a pair of expressionless black eyes, Polis Massans possess no facial features at all. So for all we know Polis Massans never evolved with a need for breathing. Attended by medical droids, Padm Amidala gave birth to her twins Luke and Leia on Polis Massa. Polis Massawas once an arid, habitable, barren planetoid and originally the homeworld of the origin of the little-knownEellayincivilization. Polis Massa is a small mining colony in a remote asteroid field. But what if I want to RP him eating? Polis Massan Jedi and Scoundrels are unheard of, though their latent telepathic abilities and even personalities make them excellent candidates for Jedi teachings. Exactly. The Polis Massan people have searched for centuries, looking for a link between themselves and an enigmatic speciesnow extinctcalled the Eellayin. My group has talked about them flipping up the "mask" face on a hinge to reveal a great gaping maw, but not very seriously. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Pronounce Massan in English (Australia) They still may not train Medicine above rank 2 during character creation. SWCombine requires Javascript to run properly. As such, every Polis Massan views his fellows as siblings. The average Polis Massan is a short, thin being with a flat, pale face and grey hands each with four long, dexterous fingers. As such, every Polis Massan views his fellows as siblings. Polis Massan Bodysuit. Little is known of their actual homeworld other than they too come from Subterrel sector, the same area of space that . , so there's nothing to lose. And Jasca, there are some creatures on earth in deep seas that either don't breathe at all or have a highly dimished need for breathing. Though the majority of Polis Massans lack vocal chords, they are able to communicate with others using a simple form of telepathy. no risk refund guarantee While fully capable of defending themselves, they seldom take up arms due to their belief that all life is sacred. Peaceful and isolationist, Polis Massans are experts in the fields of archaeology, medicine, and xenobiology. Eating is Not Currently a Function in Star Wars Combine so Don't worry. Come talk about space milk and vibrofish with us! The Polis Massans have adapted this cloning technology for their needs, using it in hopes of reconstructing biological matter they find in their archeological digs. Polis Massans begin the game with one rank in Medicine. No Vocal Chords: The vast majority of Polis Massans are born without vocal chords, though a small subset does possess them. The implications of such a success continue to remain a mystery. Though Kallidah is found no reason to return to their original homeworld. Archaeology was scant and not much was found. Telepathy: Polis Massans can communicate with other beings at short range using a simple form of telepathy. Polis Massans share the following Species Traits: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Yoda contacted the deceased Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn at the same time, and Jinn told Yoda that he would teach him how to retain consciousness after death. They seek to keep the memory and works of this mysterious species alive through their own research, even going so far as to attempt to clone them from Eellayin genetic material discovered in their explorations of the asteroids depths. I have a Polis Massan character and I notice they have no mouth so how do they eat? Soon after establishing a base on Polis Massa in an attempt to research the Eellayin people, the entire species relocated to the barren asteroid in order to support the excavations there. Polis Massan Or maybe their faces are just masks of some sort. If you can find how they eat/drink on wookiepedia then i would put it in there. . While a successfully cloned Eellayin has yet to be created, both the Polis Massans and their Kaminoan advisors are certain that their efforts are going to bear fruit given time. Star Wars Saga Edition Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Arriving at the ruins of the Polis Massa Base, ZED-6-7 said that Polis Massa had been a rebel base prior to being bombarded by the Empire years earlier. On Second Life, a short lived Polis Massa roleplay sim existed in June 2008. We've already been saving your edits, so if you Additional Eellayin DNA continues to be discovered, analyzed, and cataloged by Polis Massan exobiologists. Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Star Wars Saga Edition Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide See also: Galactic Gazetteer Polis Massa was once an arid, habitable, barren planetoid and originally the homeworld of the origin of the little-known Eellayin civilization. [1], The species in reality comes from the planet of Kallidah and should be called Kallidahin properly. Five hundred years before the end of the Clone Wars the Archaeological Research Council of Kallidah established a base on one asteroid in order to excavate its surface to study the reasons behind the planet's destruction. This is one of my favorite things our group has ever come up with, and I'm glad it happened in a random short campaign and spilled over into our main campaign. Press J to jump to the feed. The Polis Massans are known for having/manufacturing archaeology and medical droids, how do they communicate with them? Though the majority of their discoveries involve artifacts and relics from that ill-fated species, they have also managed to recover a significant amount of genetic material. There could be lots of species that consume the substances they need to survive by eating them or absorb them from the soil through their feet. How do polis massans breathe they have thick skin so i dont think its through their skin or do they just not have to breathe? Though the asteroid is airless and incapable of supporting life, the Polis Massans have established a number of outposts where they can live and perform their research in peace. Telepathy: Polis Massans can communicate with other beings at short range using a simple form of telepathy. Polis Massan Edit THE PEACEFUL, silent aliens who inhabit Polis Massa are known as Polis Massans, but in fact are Kallidahin from Kallidah. Further comments or questions on this topic should be made in a new Knowledge Bank page rather than here so that this page is preserved as a historic record. Contents 1 Features 2 History 3 Appearances 3.1 Non-canon appearances 4 Sources Features Appearances Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! how do they eat/drink? member serves an important role. A cataclysm destroyed the Outer Rim planet Polis Massa, leaving an asteroid field in its wake. Maybe they just need sunlight, radiation or solar winds to keep their body working. To make up for their lack of speech, Polis Massans have mildly telepathic brains and deep-focus eyes, useful for work deep . Their xenobiological records of the different cultures are believed to contain more information than the libraries at the core worlds, and that is a feat if we consider how rare their open contact with other cultures is. The first theory was that sound. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. I'd just not specify HOW he is eating. Average Height/Weight: A typical Polis Massan stands at 1.4 meters tall and weighs 40 kilograms. Yoda spoke to Obi-Wan with Qui-Gon, informing him he would also be taught how to retain consciousness after death by Jinn. Polis Massan bodysuits were form-fitting protective bodysuits worn by members of the Polis Massan species. In one of the rare dealings with outsiders the Polis Massans made contact with the Kaminoans, exchanging some of their xenobiological data for cloning technology. Polis Massan scholars have also been known to join the Alliance for a chance to see other parts of the galaxy for themselves and to meet members of other alien species first hand. With time they became so associated with the asteroid remains that they became known as the people of Polis Massa. The planet was home to a subterranean people called the Eellayin until it was destroyed by ancient superweapons. Their base had a medical facility and the Polis Massans were good healers. Because few Polis Massans possess vocal chords, the language is a combination of elaborate signs, body language, and telepathy. Sapient Species: 99% Polis Massan, 1% Other Species, Major Imports: Foodstuffs, Heavy Machinery, Water. All Polis Massan bodysuits include a tiny headmounted multidirectional glow rod, as well as an. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Though there are invariably differences of opinion between individuals, they attempt to bridge these gaps by using their shared ancestry as common ground. Originally hailing from the Outer Rim world of Kallidah, the Kallidahin are more often referred to as Polis Massans. Their faces are featureless with the exception of their eyes, which are universally black. No viable genetic material has been recovered from the Polis Massan asteroid, but this does little to stop the Polis Massans from continuing to explore. Polis Massa was an asteroid field located in the Subterrel sector of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories, far from any major hyperspace lanes. Homeworld: The Polis Massans are originally from Kallidah, a moist and temperate world in the Subterrel sector. Press J to jump to the feed. Language: The native language of the Polis Massan species is known as Massan. Polis Massa is the largest asteroid in the Polis Massa Asteroid Field. [2], 50 years before the Clone Wars, researchers found the ruined city of Wiyentaah. They intend to do so using advanced cloning techniques learned from the Kaminoans in an attempt to scientifically resurrect the Eellayin Species. Language: The native language of the Polis Massan species is known as Massan. This often leads to their being taken advantage of, since they rarely, if ever, put up any sort of struggle when their interests are threatened. species have been commissioned. The Polis Massan people have searched for centuries, looking for a link between themselves and an enigmatic speciesnow extinctcalled the Eellayin. This often leads to their being taken advantage of, since they rarely, if ever, put up any sort of struggle when their interests are threatened. Little is known of their actual homeworld other than they too come from Subterrel sector, the same area of space that . This page is no longer live. They can be overly protective of their work, especially in regards to treasure hunters seeking wealth within the archaeological digs of Polis Massa. Polis Massans can only whisper privately to beings they are engaged with. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Found in Age of Rebellion: Strongholds of Resistance, For more information on Polis Massans Click here. My personal preference is that none of them have mouths, that the 10 XP goes toward a cybernetic polis massan voice box if one does play a speaker. upgrade now Following capturing Amidala's tomb on Naboo, Vader traveled to Polis Massa with his death troopers and forensics droid ZED-6-7, searching for answers. After all, this is science fiction! The small asteroid mining colony of Polis Massa in The Outer Rim is the current homeworld of the Polis Massans. Background Its inhabitants where digging searching for trace of then ancestors. When a Polis Massan does join the Rebellion, it is often in the role of a doctor, medic, or other healer. It was later struck by a mysterious cataclysm, and now serves as a research base for the Polis Massans. Since then, the local dig was set up and started excavating. Polis Massan and Droids. People called the Eellayin often referred to as Polis Massans possess vocal chords: the native of! The archaeological digs of Polis Massa is the current homeworld of the Polis Massan maybe... Technologies to provide you with a need for breathing our platform was home to a subterranean called... Comprises the most precious discoveries the Polis Massan character in a remote field! And similar technologies to provide you with a flattened and pale face the language is a Books... Of some sort, though i could be wrong their actual homeworld than. Asteroid remains that they became so associated with the asteroid remains that they became so associated the! 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