names of pilots shot down in vietnam

Phew II! It was great to learn about your time before FTL/FDX. Asia []. U-8 losses need added God Bless you F-4 drivers! We held a mass intelligence briefing at wing HQ. Scotty hadnt regained consciousness. I remember the days when my dad flew Young Tiger over there. Soviet General Fesenko, the main Soviet adviser to the North Vietnamese Air Force in 1972, recorded 34 MiG-21s destroyed in 1972. Day after day intel would ask us to listen up for Buick 4, or Chevy 4, or whoever Number 4 who had been shot down while lead worked on getting his Mig. A C-47 was the very first USAF aircraft lost in the SEA conflict, C-47B 44-76330 (315th Air Division) on TDY at Vientiane, Laos which was shot down by the Pathet Lao on 23 March 1961 killing 7 of the 8 crewmen. Knowing you were handled so badly by your bosses has to be a tough thing to take. Mr. Crecca was a POW for the next six years and three months until his repatriation on February 18, 1973. Source for F-4 losses is Phantom with U.S. Marine Corps (Joe Baugher), others are unsourced, Production of a total of 380 Mohawks ended in December 1970. back then. [1], There were about 11,846 U.S helicopters that served in the Vietnam War. What? Great job! What could I possibly say to the President of the United States that he hadnt already heard 334 times before? P.39, Toperczer, Istvan. I went down to about 125 in the winter of 1968. At this point I could only pray he would revive by the time he reached the ground. 1LT ALDRICH ROBERT HENRY BNR 12/27/1971154013 HMM-165 WO1 ALEXANDER BARRY KENNETH KIA 09/22/196968-513/68-23 71 AHC CPT ALEXANDER DAVID LEE KIA 02/06/197170-20 67-18493178 ASHC This page was last edited on 13 January 2023, at 11:53. I have reflected a great deal on how unprepared politically and militarily the US was for the asymetrical brush fire we stumbled into. Pinches were both rescued. Hap. This room was known, unaffectionately, by all who suffered there as the room with the green, bumpy walls. Seated on a small, wooden stool, the interrogation began in the usual way with, Name, rank, serial number and date of birth. When I refused to reply to any further questions except by repeating my name, rank, serial number and date of birth, my interrogating officer, in a most sinister way, and in a very convincing manner said, Crecca, you will die in Vietnam. In a matter of minutes I was bound with ropes. RIP Scotty thank you Joe for sharing your experiences and for your commitment as an aviator. Rest in Peace, dear Scotty. May God comfort those families who still wait and wonder.]. I never came face-to-face with either asshole but I emailed the flight lead recently and told him off that he was incompetent, got Scotty Wilson killed, cost the USAF an F-4, caused my Fathers premature death and was responsible for unimaginable hardships for Scottys widow and daughter not to mention my 6+ years in prison. When Maj. "Jump" Myers' plane crashed in flames, there was no chance of rescue - yet Bernie Fisher defied the odds and brought him out alive. ), Ways to get involved in the 2022 Election. Mr. Creccas response (farther below) displays considerably more class than that displayed by b fearn in this particular instance. It was late November, the temperature was 40F, and all I had on were my underwear. About 300 North Vietnamese in black, baggy pajamas, the typical trousers worn in this part of the world, were converging inexorably toward the spot where I would land. North Vietnam lost 150 170 aircraft and helicopters. We were together at MacDill in the F-4 but rotated at different times into SEA. Lt Cmdr Frederick P Crosby's plane crashed in a pond during the Vietnam War in 1965 (inset). Puerto Madero N9710, Oficina 22, Pudahuel - Santiago | pytorch lstm source code After each plane was completed, two pilots (Call signs Perky01 and Perky02) would take the plane up for a check flight. It was my honor to read about Scotty, and to digest another example of true American heroism. The United States lost 578 UAVs (554 over Vietnam and 24 over China). My head, no longer protected by my helmet, was now receiving direct hits from clubs, rocks, rifle butts and God-knows-what. Fogleman became the only Super Sabre pilot ever rescued by riding out on a Cobra helicopter. [9][10]:268. Of all those doing their best to inflict bodily harm on me, the old women were the worst. Then with release of the first group of POWs WO1 James Hestand was released! 3 Enclosures included: COMUSMACV MSG DTD 050023Z and Evaluations. Two were pilots, two Air Force weapon systems officers, and two Navy radar intercept officer; both awarded an aerial-kill claim for each enemy aircraft shot-down. The first thing I looked at was the horizon and I could almost hear the words of The Vanquished as if they were spoken to me. It was about 0200 hours and the flares lit up the place like day. Scotty gave me the airplane and I climbed out at 350 knots until it came time to find the tanker on the radar. To those who try to insert politics, I agree that it is in extremely poor taste to try to make this such a venue. For the briefest moment I contemplated that a right 60 degree turn would take me via the shortest route out of NVN. Notes. An Air Force pilot and air commando who was shot down in 1970 during the Vietnam War will be buried at the Air Force Academy. William Reeder Jr., who served two tours in Vietnam as a U.S. Army pilot, was shot down on May 9, 1972, while flying a mission in a Bell AH-1 Cobra . But the effort proved futile. Despite my state of lingering shock, my reaction to his command was to pop the Rat and restart. Others had knives and were, to my complete surprise, cutting the clothing and equipment from my body. We were going to make it. All commenters here need to start this needed movement for due change. 17 apr 1966: arab 511, an a-1h (buno 135398), lt (jg) william l. tromp, va-115, went down following a night attack on coastal targets, near approximately 1818'n, 10610'e. arab 506, his wingman,. So, with that, you have to question the command and leadership, not the foot soldier. Shot down. Richard Stephen "Steve" Ritchie and Weapons System Officer Capt. So why were we going in anyway? You willingly took huge risks, knowing that that mission could be your last. On July 24, 1965, an SA-2 shot down an Air Force F-4C, the first of 110 USAF aircraft lost to SAMs in Southeast Asia. I am most grateful for the hero status conferred upon me by the predominance of commenters. One of our F-4s was not delivered by maintenance. More aircraft would be shot down and pilots killed or captured. Date Enemy Aircraft Squardon Aircraft Weapon Carrier Service Rank Pilot RIO/NFO Note; 17 Jun 1965: MiG-17: VF-21: F-4B: AIM-7: CVA 41: USN: CDR: Louis Page : LT John C. Smith, Jr. . Public Servants who screw -up Big, Big time do not deserve such glorified recognition. . Did you know that most of the articles at Air Facts are written by readers like you? Thanks for your story, Joe. The Army and USAF spent enormous efforts preparing to fight WWII over again in Europe (this time with nukes). Cmon man, show some class! Only once did I ever have an airplane problem (pressurization system) until that SAM hit us. Hi, Joe. Most of them, unlike yourself, were combat veterans who put themselves in harms way; something you have never done. John Stuart Mill Without any electronic gear onboard to warn us of active SAM sites, there was no way for us to know that at that very moment a Soviet-built SA-2 missile was streaking its way towards our Phantom from directly behind us, Dead 6 oclock, in fighter pilot lingo. Subconsciously I probably realized I was sitting alone in the back seat of a burning airplane. God bless you Joe, hearing the story was very touching. Japan, who woulda thunk it? Flew supplies into Vietnam but had less time there than John Kerry; which is not easy. Some data to the soviets in Korea: The 324.IAD (Fighterdivision) 6738 missions. A minute or two after takeoff we had cold air blasting through the cockpits. Crash Location: Into Sea off southwest coast of Vietnam near Rach Gia and Ca Mau. Ignore that kind, it is useless to argue as they are happy in their own world which they believe will lead to some utopian future paid for by others. There will always be those who dont get it. SMS D.R. The pilot Lieutenant J. M. Krommenhoek is Missing in Action. Ronald Fogleman was shot down in the I Corps area 200 miles (320 km) north of Bien Hoa while flying aircraft 56-3245. Page and Smith were with VF-21, and the aircraft modex was NE101. Looser! Just then, the crew chief, SSgt. My gratitude to you and to all servicemen and women willing to suffer and risk their life for the freedom and safety of our country. While I was thinking how dumb a question that was, Scotty asked me an entirely different one over the intercom: To me, this is a refreshing change of phraseology, demonstrating a far greater sense of situational awareness. Thank you, Mr. Crecca! The plane was unveiled . YGBSM!. Remains of fighter pilot shot down in WWII identified. The aircraft banked sharply to the left, then to the right. I yelled on the intercom, Deep six check! I was in the tower in Saigon and F-4s would come pouring in. You need four for effective mutual support; i.e., lookout coverage for all four in all quadrants. Thank you for your sentiments. what would the world be like if we never had stories like this told to us, i shudder to think. I wanted to join you in 1969 after college graduation, but my eyes only qualified me as good enough for USAF navigator. We attended the Colonels memorial service one week ago today. Wasnt much left for my remaining Six. All these thoughts, survival instincts and USAF training synthesized into one, crystal clear and powerful inspiration. I ask that you honor these costs and sacrifice, as I do. And I also thank you for taking the time to write down your harrowing and amazing experience in war. Again- Bless you & Scotty! Call signs for each mission were based on time of day. The claimed flying aces of the Vietnam War, pilots who shot down five or more enemy aircraft, include 19 North Vietnamese pilots (six MiG-17 and 13 MiG-21 pilots),: 228 and five Americans. Just a wild guess but you just enjoy your freedoms while you let others do the fighting and take the risks. The MiG-21 N. 4324 of the Vietnam People's Air Force. Reading yours was dismal, doom and gloom. By this time I was at 1,500 ft. The Air Force lost 1737, the Navy 530, the Marine Corps 463 and the Army lost 302 (fixed wing). In addition to all of your other talents, you write very well. If you think I should not be called a hero, tell them, not me. Scotty took one look at the patch which I admit looked a bit Sam Schwartz to me and replied, If we have to break for a SAM, well bring it back without the wingtip.. May God bless you. Your reaction to my article bears the stamps of liberalist tradition unhampered by progress, reveals a lack of understanding of politics on the world stage and shows complete disrespect for the sacrifices made by all Vietnam combat veterans. We beneficiaries need to know the experiences, sufferings, challenges, life and death, victories and miraculous acts of God in the lives of our fellow countrymen in war, especially from their own voice and pen before the stories are gone. You do not have to be Richard Collins or Ernest Gann simply a GA pilot with a story youd share with friends sitting in the hangar. Yeh, the F-4s wings dont come off even from a SAM induced Spin. I wanted to wipe the blood away but my hands were tied behind my back. Having been a teenager in Vietnam years, I had a Vietnam map on my bedroom wall and marked bombing missions that Cronkite would report that night. Well b fearn, you have a right to make your comment and your opinion, but I do not believe this is the time or place. As a nation I believe we learned the difference between necessary disagreement with our leaders, and needless, disrespectful persecution of and confrontation with our soldiers, who are/were following orders. I will be forever grateful to all who flew and supported LBII and to President Richard M. Nixon for having the fortitude to send the mighty BUFFs north. A SAM damn near got me and another my section leader. Get it? Meadows But, I knew the SA-2 was a powerful weapon; 400 lbs. In that instant, I realized how I would die; they were going to slice my head off. When the food got a bit better in 1971, I was able to exercise and could do over 60 vertical pushups in three tries with less than a minutes rest between each set. And Ill salute only with that nickname fondly given him by my children, our Elder Eagle, who flew Linebacker BUFFS, along with numerous other often difficult taskings, during his 28 years in USAF. Scottys arms seemed to be at his sides and head slumped forward. Thanks, again, for your story many more years of good health & happiness to you. Admiral William F. Bringle (seated) how a MiG-17 jet fighter was shot down over North Vietnam. Source's information probably relates to the incident.. Yes, it is tainted with much uncertainty to which you allude. Thanks for the details as I knew Scotty had been shot down but was always hoping his name would appear on the POW list. With a Commercial Pilots License, with Single, Multi, and Instrument ratings, I thought the Air Force would let me fly, but, when I went in for my physical, my eyesight had deteriorated to 20-40 and I was told I could be a navigator, a GIB (guy in back . Blows were raining all over my body including my head, thankfully still protected by my helmet. Messrs. Crecca and Wilson were asked by their nation to serve. Were B-52 bombers used in Vietnam? 4 of the combat losses were parked aircraft. Flights were around four hours. So glad that you made it back in one piece, and were able to continue flying. Thank you sir for your service. Asia. There are 58,267 names on The Wall in our nations capital and thats why you are free to voice your misguided opinion, Mr. Walker. I flew Phantoms until leaving to fly transports for Flying Tigers and then Federal Express. I saw 3 aircraft in front of me, so I asked lead to flash his lights. Defense Department officials say 1st Lt. Carl D. Nesbitt died when his plane was shot down in May . Smoke would be pouring out of their engines. [10] Estimates of North Vietnamese losses range from 131, as documented in North Vietnamese records; to 195, as claimed by U.S. Muhammad Mahmood Alam was a Pakistani Air Force jet fighter pilot in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. First loss: 1964, final loss: 1967. Encountered SAMs Finger Lakes area. . I hope that this article and your word of mouth/teachings help other people stand up against stupidity and question the orders of those place in authority. After I was stabilized, the boomer cleared me into the contact position. I wish you and yours peace and happiness all the days of your life. The lone horse jumped the fence and hadnt been seen. Further, our leader was apparently unaware that the controller asked us to change squawk ONLY after we were some distance from the 100mm guns photographed around the Plain of Jars. Our TOT (Time Over Target) was scheduled for 1153. Fogleman became the only Super Sabre pilot ever rescued by riding out on a Cobra helicopter. The stage was thus set for failure in Vietnam by our strategic hubris, which was passed down the ranks from the most senior to the most junior officers. Theyd land opposite direction on the same runway. Our flight leader didnt want to have to face the DO back at Danang AB having to answer why he didnt bring his flight into the target. A week later I landed on the runway at Cam Rahn that my father had taken off from on his last mission and that part of him that exists in me came home. 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names of pilots shot down in vietnam