shapiro lab stanford

Bacteria exhibit a high degree of intracellular organization, both in the timing of essential processes and in the placement of the chromosome, the division site, and individual structural and regulatory proteins. Bryan, R., Purucker, M., Gomes, S. L., Alexander, W., Shapiro, L. GENETIC-ANALYSIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF A CAULOBACTER-CRESCENTUS MUTANT DEFECTIVE IN MEMBRANE BIOGENESIS. Yoo S, Mittelstein DR, Hurt RC, Lacroix JJ, Shapiro MG*. Additionally, we summarize methods to use this fluoromodule for single protein imaging and super-resolution microscopy using stimulated emission depletion. Furthermore, methyltransferase activity, present in the predivisional cell, was detected only in the swarmer cell upon cell division. The protein product of the adjacent flaY gene was found to be required to regulate the expression of several flagellin proteins and the assembly of a functional flagellum. The E1076Q point mutation in the SMC ATPase domain caused a dominant-negative phenotype in which DNA replication was able to proceed, but duplicated parS centromeres, normally found at opposite cell poles, remained at one pole. These results strongly suggest that CtrA polar localization is coupled to its cell cycle-regulated proteolysis. Ultrasound-controllable engineered bacteria for cancer immunotherapy. USA 83:9517-9521, 1986) and in a simple bacterium, the transcription of a hsp70 gene is temporally controlled as a function of the cell cycle under normal growth conditions. Benkovic, S. J., Baker, S. J., Alley, M. R., Woo, Y. H., Zhang, Y. K., Akama, T., Mao, W. M., Baboval, J., Rajagopalan, P. T., Wall, M., Kahng, L. S., Tavassoli, A., Shapiro, L. The bacterial nucleoid: A highly organized and dynamic structure. Thus, temporal activation of the PerP protease and spatial restriction of the polar PodJ(L) substrate cooperatively control the cell cycle-dependent onset of Rip. Chen, S. L., Lee, W., Hottes, A. K., Shapiro, L., McAdams, H. H. A bacterial cell-cycle regulatory network operating in time and space, Identification of long intergenic repeat sequences associated with DNA methylation sites in Caulobacter crescentus and other alpha-proteobacteria, Fluorescence bleaching reveals asymmetric compartment formation prior to cell division in Caulobacter. DnaA initiates DNA replication and activates the transcription of the next cell-cycle regulator, GcrA. The enzyme is thermally inactivated at 30 degrees C within 20 min; this process is substantially decreased in the presence of saturating concentrations of DNAHM, suggesting that the enzyme preferentially binds DNA before S-adenosylmethionine. The Bejerano Lab focuses on a fundamental question in Human Genomics: the relationship between geno(me)type and phenotype. The order of appearance of labeled restriction fragments revealed that the chromosome replicates bidirectionally at a fork movement rate of 21 kilobases per minute. Larsen, Bradley, Timothy Ryan, Steven Greene, Marc Hetherington, Rahsaan Maxwell, and Steven Tadelis. To identify the signals responsible for the cell cycle control of DNA replication initiation, we have characterized a region of the C. crescentus chromosome containing genes that are all involved in DNA replication or recombination, including dnaN, recF, and gyrB. Like flagellar biogenesis, stalk formation is an asymmetric polar morphogenesis that occurs once each cell cycle in response to internal cell cycle signals. View details for Web of Science ID A1988P905300045. The FtsK C terminus is essential in Caulobacter and is involved in maintaining accurate chromosome partitioning. A 0.2 kb fragment of DNA located immediately upstream of the Caulobacter homolog of the Escherichia coli dnaX gene was able to completely rescue the temperature-sensitive phenotype of LS439. Dr. Weissmans laboratory is working on identifying and characterizing the progression of discrete changes, genetic and epigenetic, that leads to the generation of cancer stem cells (CSCs) from a variety of blood and solid tissue cancers. Transcription of the early region of the phi Cd1 genome was examined in vitro with C. crescentus RNA polymerase. While super-resolution imaging has greatly benefited from highly photostable fluorophores, a shortage of photostable fluorescent labels for bacteria has limited its use in these small but relevant organisms. Temporal and spatial regulation have emerged as the central themes, with the abundance, activity and subcellular location of key structural and regulatory proteins changing over the course of the cell cycle. The chemotaxis proteins are synthesized in the predivisional cell and then partition only to the swarmer cell upon division. Although these strains exhibit different morphologies and DNA content, the replication of both strains in macrophages is attenuated. The Caulobacter crescentus flagellum is assembled during a defined time period in the cell cycle. He earned B.A. Data are presented that allow the unambiguous identification of a second Fat gene (fatB) in C. crescentus. Recent work has shown that many proteins, and even regions of the chromosome, are localized to specific subcellular regions that can change over time, sometimes extraordinarily fast. View details for Web of Science ID A1983RA96700072. The methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs) are membrane receptors that initiate signal transduction to the flagellar rotor upon ligand binding. 9/2016. The original point mutation is predicted to disrupt the stem structure in the 4.5 S RNA thus providing a rationale for the genetic basis of the LS439 phenotype. These basal bodies have five rings threaded on a rod. We identify mutations in PopZ that allow scaffold assembly but specifically abrogate interactions with ParA and demonstrate that PopZ/ParA interactions are required for proper chromosome segregation in vivo. Because cell division then yielded a swarmer cell with a different phospholipid profile than its sibling stalked cell, the cell division process may trigger a mechanism which alters the pattern of phospholipid synthesis. 2015;33 (11): 1639-1645, journal of hand surgery -Park, M. J., Ganjoo, K. N., Ladd, A. L.2015;40 (8): 1620-1624, CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCH -Ladd, A. L.2015;473 (8): 246063, JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS -Halilaj, E., Rainbow, M. J., Moore, D. C., Laidlaw, D. H., Weiss, A. C., Ladd, A. L., Crisco, J. J. Several temporally controlled flagellar genes in Caulobacter crescentus require a sigma 54 promoter and upstream sites for transcription activation. The principal analysis method involved identification of sets of adjacent probes with unusually high correlation between the individual intergenic probes within the set, suggesting presence of a sRNA. Despite decades of study, the exquisite temporal and spatial organization of bacterial chromosomes has only recently been appreciated. Robertson, G. T., Reisenauer, A., Wright, R., Jensen, R. B., Jensen, A., Shapiro, L., Roop, R. M. Dynamic spatial regulation in the bacterial cell, Chromosome segregation during the prokaryotic cell division cycle, Differential localization of two histidine kinases controlling bacterial cell differentiation, The Caulobacter crescentus smc gene is required for cell cycle progression and chromosome segregation. Inclusion in this family of proteins suggests that FliQ and FliR may participate in an export pathway required for flagellum assembly. Bellofatto, V., Shapiro, L., Hodgson, D. A. The CcrM protein is present only in the predivisional stage of the cell cycle, resulting in cell-cycle-dependent variation of the DNA methylation state of the chromosome. Bayas, C. A., Wang, J., Lee, M. K., Schrader, J. M., Shapiro, L., Moerner, W. E. A Polar Matrix Microdomain Constrains Diffusion and Regulates Intracellular Signaling. Two questions related to control processes can now readily be approached experimentally. The formation of a flagellum opposite the stalk has been observed by microscope during the differentiation of a stalked cell in preparation for cell division. The relative copy numbers of these proteins are essential for complex formation, as overexpression of SpmX in Caulobacter reorganizes the polarity of the cell, generating ectopic cell poles containing PopZ and DivJ. We observed that SpoT is required for this phenomenon in swarmer cells, and in the absence of SpoT, carbon-starved swarmer cells inappropriately initiated DNA replication. Subsequent DNA segments then follow by different mechanisms. The relative heat stability of this enzyme allowed it to be separated from beta-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase. The first parameter correlates with genome GC content, and the second parameter correlates with context-dependent nucleotide bias. The need is particularly acute for this virus because many may be asymptomatic How Does Coronavirus Antibody Testing Work? Stalked cells that developed directly from swarmer cells showed that same phospholipid profile as the swarmer cells. Because the ultimate expression of cell changes are dependent on selective protein synthesis, specific messenger RNA production-either from DNA present in an organelle or from the chromosome-may prove to be a controlling factor in cell differentiation. A closed-loop control system drives progression of the coupled stalked and swarmer cell cycles of the bacterium Caulobacter crescentus in a near-mechanical step-like fashion. Isolation of the full-length ccrM genes from the aquatic bacterium C. crescentus, the soil bacterium R. meliloti, and the intracellular pathogen B. abortus showed that this sequence conservation extends over the entire protein. Previous microarray experiments revealed that several Caulobacter genes are significantly upregulated in response to uranium but not in response to other heavy metals. The expression of fliIJ is induced midway through the cell cycle, coincident with other class II operons, but the FliI protein remains present throughout the cell cycle. Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience Laboratory. Wagenknecht, T., DeRosier, D., Shapiro, L., WEISSBORN, A. PHOSPHOLIPID BIOSYNTHESIS IS REQUIRED FOR STALK ELONGATION IN CAULOBACTER-CRESCENTUS. CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCH -Ladd, A. L.2016;474 (6): 1379-1382, JOURNAL OF HAND SURGERY-AMERICAN VOLUME -Kamal, R. N., Kakar, S., Ruch, D., Richard, M. J., Akelman, E., Got, C., Blazar, P., Ladd, A., Yao, J., Ring, D.2016;41 (5): 645-651, JOURNAL OF HAND SURGERY-AMERICAN VOLUME -Waljee, J. F., Ladd, A., MacDermid, J. C., Rozental, T. D., Wolfe, S. W.2016;41 (4): 565-573, journal of bone and joint surgery. Follow @StanfordBioX, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, James H. Clark Center, Stanford University, Department of Developmental Biology Homepage, Stanford Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Council. The promoters for the flgF operon and the flgH gene use sigma 54 to initiate transcription. In this report we describe the isolation and characterization of a flagellar gene, fliX. Nature Communications13, 493 (2022). The transposons were altered so that upon insertion into the chromosome, transcription fusions are formed in which the promoter regions of fla genes drive the expression of the downstream promoter-less drug resistance genes. View details for Web of Science ID A1979HV87000036. What drives genomic innovation and diversity from bacterial to eukaryotes? Temporal control of DNA methylation has been shown to be critical for normal development in the dimorphic Caulobacter life cycle. The sequence upstream of the translational start site shows little homology to the canonical Shine-Dalgarno ribosome recognition sequence, but the region downstream of the start codon is complementary to a region of 16S rRNA implicated in downstream box recognition. von Diezmann, A. S., Gahlmann, A., Ptacin, J. L., Shapiro, L., Moerner, W. E. A Novel Function of the Bacterial Replication Initiator Protein DnaA, Unique Signaling Logic within a Bacterial Cell Cycle Circuit. B.S. View details for Web of Science ID 000246369400027. Get updates about events, news, research, and more. View details for Web of Science ID A1982PG49500029, View details for Web of Science ID A1981MJ92600005. The Caulobacter cell cycle is driven by a cascade of transient regulators, starting with the expression of DnaA in G(1) and ending with the expression of the essential CcrM DNA methyltransferase at the completion of DNA replication. Both promoters were heat shock inducible, with maximal expression 10 to 20 min after heat shock. Super-resolution Imaging of Live Bacteria Cells Using a Genetically Directed, Highly Photostable Fluoromodule. The timing of transcription of two master regulator genes and two cell division genes is controlled by the methylation state of GANTC sites in their promoters. Stephens, C., Reisenauer, A., Wright, R., Shapiro, L. Flagellar assembly in Caulobacter crescentus: A basal body P-ring null mutation affects stability of the L-ring protein, Cell cycle control by an essential bacterial two-component signal transduction protein. Director, High-throughput Screening Facility Our current understanding of this system has been limited by the fact that purified protein products are available for only about one-fifth of these genes. We welcome Raquel Maynez, who joined the lab as an undergraduate researcher. Deletions in the 5' region have also revealed that all cis-acting sites required for temporal control of transcription reside within 50 bases of the P2 start site. Unlike Escherichia coli, the intracellular and extracellular concentrations of cyclic AMP in C. crescentus did not vary under several growth conditions, including catabolite repression. Fasten your seatbelt: Developmental biologist Lucy Shapiro, PhD, is driving, and we're zooming through her achievement-packed 40-year career in less than an hour. Shapiro Center. In addition, CtrA function is modulated by temporally and spatially controlled proteolysis. Clearance of the 22000 CtrA master transcriptional regulator molecules from the stalked portion of the predivisional cell is a controlling element of Caulobacter asymmetry. The expression of cell cycle events in Caulobacter crescentus CB13 has been shown to be associated with regulation of carbohydrate utilization. After the equivalent of one generation time, rapid cell death occurred. 2014;47 (11): 2709-2714, CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCH -Ladd, A. L.2014;472 (6): 1681-1684, Clinical orthopaedics and related research -Ladd, A. L.2014;472 (4): 1093-1094, CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCH -Halilaj, E., Rainbow, M. J., Got, C., Schwartz, J. Our laboratory is interested in the growth, development and integrity of animal tissues. Faithful cell cycle progression in the dimorphic bacterium Caulobacter crescentus requires spatiotemporal regulation of gene expression and cell pole differentiation. Using genetic screens and cellular approaches in zebrafish, we aim to discover new genes with essential functions in glial cells, define new animal models of important disorders in humans, and provide new avenues toward therapies for injury and disease of the nervous system. Shown to be separated from beta-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase may participate in an export required! In maintaining accurate chromosome partitioning asymmetric polar morphogenesis that occurs once each cell cycle CtrA master transcriptional regulator from., was detected only in the swarmer cell upon cell division CtrA master transcriptional regulator molecules the... Showed that same phospholipid profile as the swarmer cells showed that same phospholipid profile as the swarmer upon. 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