torben sondergaard bethel

At last this gives me hope I was beginning to think God had forgotten us who are ill = Yes, I always believed He heals today He just doesnt heal me No I wont let that effect me I love Jesus and always will and will always endeavour to follow Him as His Word says Trust and obey I will. To your credit, you were honest and admitted as such. Walking by the Holy Spirit is being FILLED with DIVINE Love, DIVINE Peace, DIVINE Faith, DIVINE Joy, DIVINE Meekness, DIVINE Longsuffering, DIVINE Temperance, DIVINE Gentleness, DIVINE Goodness. I just read Luke 7 where Jesus raises the widows son from the dead and great fear and rejoicing fell on all the crowd. Wheres the beef in WIERDSVILLE ? As of about 2022, Lene is now 46 years old and born on April 5, 1976. Such being the case, we must go to the Bible to determine God's will with regard to modern - day apostles. Im honestly smiling about this; not offended one bit, though I do feel sorry for yall. We want Christianity to go back to the New Testament and the life we read about in the Book of Acts. Did every person that Jesus heal get born again? If he performs miracles and preaches a false gospel of self effort religion, harsh treatment of the body , self imposed religiosity and legalism INSTEAD OF THE FAITH IN THE CROSS PLUS NOTHING THAT MAN IS A WOLF! Jesus will outshine all when His servants take their proper place in the kingdom. And we are not of weak faith when we weep and plead with the Father on somebodys behalf or stick our neck out to warn. A Florida immigration judge has denied evangelist Torben Sndergaard's request for asylum. How will you ever recognize Jesus if you cant recognize him in these videos? Hypnotist Torben Sondergaard & his Cult of Demonic Hypnosis - Destroyed by God Yesterday I posted some advice to these dear brothers to run away from the spotlight, from cameras, and from those who would try to make them kings, but it looks like I may have forgotten to hit the send buttonthat was the wisdom the Lord gave to me in a flash yesterday and sought to share it. Bill Johnson, and all these false prophets, teachers, evangelists, Earlier this year I felt the Lord placed it on my heart to investigate Bill Johnson , I started with what Bethel expressed as what they believe I dont see anything wrong with the statement of what they believe which I posted previously on this thread, I then listened to a number of Bill Johnsons sermons (videos) on YouTube they were all recent I tried to listen to as recent as I could, He honoured the Lord Jesus He honoured knowing the Lord Jesus He honoured the Lord Jesus words I am not saying that I agreed 100% with every single thing I heard him share but he definitely believes that Jesus is God and is Man always was God and always will be God, I am judging him by his own confession and his own confession of surrender to the Lord Jesus and he has committed himself to the Lord Jesus and is living to honour him I could tell this through the spirit of what he was sharing in his sermons, In the sermons I watched on YouTube which were at Bethel, Redding there was prayer for the sick where people gathered around those who were sick and prayed for them I didnt see anything weird or suspect or new age or whatever in any of these YouTube videos this was happening in their services praying for the sick and people were expressing that they were healed , Bill Johnson is going after healing He is taking seriously Jesus words, Heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons and is wanting his life and the life of his local congregation to demonstrate this, I never heard him call himself a prophet or a healer or anything else for that matter, He came across to me as a very humble man who knew the Lord personally, had surrendered himself to Him and wanted to serve and please Him, I was blessed by many of the things which I heard him share and know that he is my brother is Christ, Does that mean that hes never made a mistake in his life? If youre not experiencing His tangible Presence in your private prayer time, youre missing the LIFE that Jesus Christ DIED TO GIVE TO EACH OF US for the salvation of the rest of the world. We are committed to delivering quality independent Christian journalism you can trust. Praise the Lord for the doers of Gods word a d not hearers only. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. Well Lightning Storm, all I will say is that Pauls concern for the church turned out well in that it prompted him to warn and share many good truths with them, which we still benefit from today.blessings to you and good night, Im off to bed now. The one thing youve missed is that water is mentioned first and then the Holy Spirit. Sndergaard's attorneys are filing an appeal. it means we dont have to produce it or make it shine from self effort or striving . When He praised the faith of people, it was not because of their orthodox theology, or the fact that they belonged to some organization, but on account of their simple faith in His person,, Roger..Absolutely Beautiful. Judge Yon Alberdi, an appointee of Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, ruled Sndergaard did not meet the requirements for asylum. Fear THAT MAN! For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you.. In other words, you did not know the cause and effect of things, and thought you were doing it in your own power, not pointing people to Him. Jesus is 100% God but He also was and is and always will be a very easy and normal MAN and to live with. He is SUPERNATURAL AND MYSTERIOUS. Great stuff! Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. What I see here is a man willing to walk in obedience to what Jesus told us to do and yet some want to stone him to death. 2023 The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., A nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization. But, do you recall a single event, where Jesus did something that the heathen did, or that the enemy did? Please give us all another chance and send us out in your name again! I honestly dont consider my understanding of this to be fully formed yet (ie, interpreting/understanding scripture) so Im reluctant to even try to discuss it in writing until I have a better grasp of things. Bob Jones is the guy who told Todd Bentley about Emma the angel. He never flattered people in power, such as Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea, enticing them to join His group and help Him If He had compromised with the Pharisees, He could probably have obtained worldly influence easily. Egypt was a type of what we are called to come out of, the harlot church, by Gods grace let us not turn and become as those Egyptian priests. The bogus so called leg lengthening trick pulled off by the magicians is THE COPYCAT -never the other way around. Andthere arethreethat bear witnessinearth,the Spirit,andthe water,andthe blood:andthese threeagreeinone. I asked her if me and my apprentice could pray for her. He was baptized as a baby in the state church and later confirmed, but it was only because of tradition. He touched the bier of the dead young man. Im not saying they are or arent, Im just saying the video evidence isnt enough since all the healings are subjective in that there is no obvious malady present, only a reported internal problem by the person supposedly healed. Stay informed with the latest from CBN News delivered to your inbox. Sndergaard has created his own little belief system by taking a little from some different denomination,[16]for example, baptismal regeneration from the Catholics, speaking in tongues as the sign of baptism in the Holy Spirit from the Pentecostals, believers baptism as Baptists, and baptism to Jesus Christ not using the Trinitarian formula as Oneness Pentecostals. Christs church is not some debate club and we must then try to win the debate. Andrew JH thankyou for that good news update . Averyl Randalls PC is down, but he is OK no doubt he will be back soon. And so, he just did what the bible said for him to do. he was encouraging the early church to return to the FIRE OF GOD thay had when the church was BORN IN ACTS 2 after the preaching of Gods word lifting up Jesus and the Father sent the Gift as promised. Im really excited about God doing miracles in EvangelismBut like someone else already pointed out: Shouldnt one also combine these Healings with the Gospel of Repentance? Many of us do of course but not in the main. The gifts that are talked about in the NT are not like a pack of pencils that are doled out 1 to each person. But it takes a lot of hard work, time, and money to do what we do. Youve asked if I obey everything that Jesus tells me to do. You dont know me, nor do I know you. I was only allowed to cry for a few minutes and God took the reins and pulled back my emotions and said, I have him. Lightening Storm, Jhn 17:12 NASB While I was with them, I WAS KEEPING THEM in Your name which You have given Me; and I guarded them and not one of them perished but the son of perdition, so that the Scripture would be fulfilled. Step 3. Jonathan, as a born again believer/a Christian, I eagerly await the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ WHO IS returning for me/us/ Christians, to take us to the mansions that He has prepared for us (John 14:2), Paul said Mom Chooses Life on an Abortionist's Table, Finally Meets Her Grateful Son 2 Decades Later and the Tears Flow, 'The Chosen' Creators Announce Season 3 Finale to Premiere in Theaters Nationwide - The Reaction Is Stunning, Viral Video: Mall Security Guard Tells Man Wearing 'Jesus Saves' T-Shirt 'Take It Off Or Leave', 'All Glory to GOD!' Jesus said, Let your light shine It is not open season for all our opinions as we each have those, & plenty of them. To make it clear, I am not trying to obey God in all things knowing that I am walking in disobedience. We have almost lost the ability to discern. The NATURE/FRUIT of God cannot be worked on or achieved by the determination of a person. (Luke 24: 27), And isn`t this what Andrew Strom is encouraging us to do, Amen., jda016 Jonathon, at one time B.Johnson of Bethel, denied the deity of Christ Jesus our Lord thereby teaching a false christ, a different Jesus. The prophets of baal danced, shouted and cut themselves for hours in order to try and get fire down from Heaven to consume the sacrifice. 2.Where did Jesus say that? reacted quite badly. He fixed my brokenness. This shows the administrative authority of the empowered Son of Man. John spoke of this again in 1Jo 5:8 We should not think more highly of ourselves than we ought. Just because you believe it doesnt make it true. Theres a schism in the church; those who believe Acts was for that time only, and those who believe that the empowerment that happened in Acts is for the churchs lifetime until He returns. We have to toss out the whole leg lengthening healing as I dont think God would use such a questionable healing in order to show His might to the world. If youre not experiencing His tangible Presence in your private prayer time, youre missing the LIFE that Jesus Christ DIED TO GIVE TO EACH OF US for the salvation of the rest of the world. Just a glimpse of God`s great work. Yet is happy to come on here calling Torben a trickster. , (John 1:33) And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost.. I think you had better check those scriptures again. Besides which, if the Pharisees can witness healing and deliverance and accuse Jesus of having a demon, you just wont convince everyone even if they are standing right next to it when a miracle happens. I know of a man whose leg was 1.5 shorter than the other. And it is the church of the future. His reply? I can understand that. In other words, the Innocent One died for us, the guilty. Certainly going to a local village for instance and seeing the Elder of a village get healed dramatically by us, is going to get the attention of the whole village on God very quickly and allow the preaching of the word to follow without effort. Afterfastingfor 40 days Torben Sndergaard also believes that God revealed a self-help book for him,[28]saying I will give you one chapter each day.[29]. WHO does the KEEPING? This movement is helping the Church come back to the life we read about. Share on twitter. Dont get into a RUT and EXPECT the Holy Spirit to work in the same way He did the last time you noticed Him working. Yes. It says He was manifested (incarnated) to take away our sins while there was no sin in Him. The tone of these responses is very disturbing. This i believe: Jesus was emphasizing both the Water and His pending Holy Spirit in Jhn 3:5 I dont see anyone in Wierdsville multiplying wine, walking on water, etc etc ( and whatever other miracles Lightning mentioned ) . Even the promise od Jesus coming is questioned . Unfortunately, my blog has been down for a bit, and I havent had a chance to get it back up. They have mishandled the power and things of God, and trying to be as God, and now it has become as a snake in their hands, to turn and bite them, bringing death. These are NOT demon possessed, but they are SURROUNDED and being INFLUENCED AND/OR ATTACKED because of their unrepentant sins, disobedience, and lack of knowledge about HOLINESS AND TOTAL SUBMISSION TO THE HOLY SPIRIT. If we just go by what we think the Holy Spirit is saying we can over ride Him in our carnal thinking, or if we just rely on our thoughts of the Word we also get into trouble. Yes! So far, all I see out of this man is good fruit. And Christ is still healing, comforting, bearing our sorrows & griefs, through Torben, Barry, you & me & thousands upon thousands throughout the world. June 30th, 2022 by Crime Informer. Torben Sndergaard was born in 1976 in a non-christian family. If and when I ever go public with my deeds, then you can test me to see if it is of the Lord. I dont see how this validates water baptism. As of 2022, Lene is currently 46 years old and was born on April 5, 1976. Please check your information and try again or call us at 1-800-759-0700. I must say your eisegesis is astonishing. He had a bout with fear as the guards told him he would spend a long time in prison and then be deported, the fate of virtually all the inmates at ICE's Baker County Facility in Florida. Christians out on the street very quickly to pray for the sick and God is not complicated when it comes to His name and the power that is In it. But the Lord is both merciful and mighty and He is able to deliver His own if they are willing and repent of idolatry etc. Likewise, the couple is the parent of their children in every way. Exd 4:6 KJV And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. acting through Torben, to see if it is from God. I remember an occasion at the Anglican Order of St. Luke in Christchurch when an unbelieving woman with a build up shoe (maybe 30cm or so) went forward for prayer and later limped back to her seat because the leg lengthened and the shoe was then too high for her to walk normally. (Although witchcraft might be in a different category than what He was addressing there.) As I came out from under Rick Joyners Morning Star Ministries school for the prophetic, I see very many similarities from the teachings in that school to the teachings in Johnsons school. Spiritual warfare against demons are often focused on too much where true spiritual warfare requires heart healing, denying lies and walking in truth. A bush that burns but is never consumed Torben is a preacher, teacher, and author who was born in 1976 in Herning, Denmark. Also available on most smart TVs and streaming services. My friend, who had been talking to her, had been kneeling as he talked to her in his great earnestness. We sang no actuall worship song that I ever heard of. The man removed the wooden leg and stood before Seymour standing on his one good leg. On the Last Reformation website, it is stated, "We believe that the church is facing a new reformation." Specifically, A reformation that will go deeper than any reformation before: away from church traditions, suffocating structures and countless meetings in church buildings. It had all turned into an idolatrous commotion a long time ago and the presence of God left the house they dont know they are playing with fire new age spirits which are actually the same devils of Hinduism, Buddhism etc. Han er stifter og talsperson for "The Last Reformation" med titusindvis af flgere. We never see any of the apostles commissioning new believers to go out and do this. God is everywhereeven in the news. Asking questions is always wise and yet skeptism and cynicism is folly also. (Hebrews 13:8 NASB). . TheDude, telling us you are being humble and gracious REAKS of self-righteousness . The Holy Spirit will prepare that soil ACCORDING to what works with that particular person. Update from Friends of Torben. Always listen to the teaching and doctrine of the one doing the miracles first and second if you are able check out the fruit (lifestyle) of the one doing miracles. It boils down to: YOU DONT KNOW HOW GOD OPERATES AND YOU NEVER WILL. He knows the grief of a wounded spirit. Baptizing you in water is a way of taking you back to the Hebrew way of doing things, and you push Jesus Christ completely out of the picture as the One who forgives you of your sin, instead the immersion in water is what forgives you instead. walked right on camera. It also tells us to test the spirits that claim to act in the Lords name. Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. 38 And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; 39 but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow itlest you even be found to fight against God.. And treat His holy things as HOLY? share the gospel. I left it months ago. Share on pocket. But it takes a lot of hard work, time, and money to do what we do. Just because someone says Lord, Lord, does not mean he is a child of God. Leaving them to hunger and thirst after more. Spirit of FIRE enters person and they start to speak in tongues, convulse, jerk, have visions, etc. His Pioneer School videos elucidate the full gospel including repentance, water baptism, Spirit baptism, and evangelism with healing, casting out demons, and signs and wonders. 3. sign me up. Are multitudes of people following anything proof of it spiritual authenticity? ** The Key is always Humility and most importantly Giving God all the Glory. Repent (change the inner man to meet Gods will) and do the works you did previously [when first you knew the Lord], or else I will visit you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you change your mind and repent. ***In this era ofCENSORSHIP and CANCEL CULTURE, Please sign up forCBN Newslettersto keep receiving the latest news you need.***. In Jesus name we pray ! What Averyl said is very sensible. Just like Jesus did with his own disciples. The unveiling is the culmination of all truths expressed from Genesis to Revelation, for all scripture is centred on one purpose & that is to reveal Christ to us in all His glory. THEN they INQUIRED OF THE LORD to see why their men were slaughtered. God always has and always will place things in the midst of His miracles that cause the insincere and the sceptic to be scandalized over and can be interpreted as either genuine or a scam. it is very doubtful that we have true Bible Christianity at all. He had gout and after two weeks of taking his meds and diet, he was still getting worse. intolerant, hate mongers, bigots, homophobes, etc.) But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. Teaching of every sort exists and is readily available online. Many Christians will fall into deception because of this speaking in tongues phenomenon and the Spirit of Fire that accompanies speaking in tongues. I know every true child of God wants to get in the game and see Jesus move and love and work in them and through them. 1) to fear, be afraid amount of `gobly gook.`. OFFICIAL UPDATE ON TORBEN SONDERGAARD: January 17, 2023. Seeking these bizzare and esoteric psychotic manifestations AS SPIRITUAL AND SIGNS OF THE HOLY SPIRITS PRESENCE AND APPROVAL. He tells us to wait, to wait in our Jerusalem for the power from on high, for the spirits unction and then to go out. to New Testament Christianity. Where was the encouragement to `know Him more?`, I hope that as you read that misinformation that you will realise that it is not pointing us to our precious Lord, but just a confusing I think God likes what Im doing more than what you are NOT doing.. There isnt any! This is nothing but human sorcery at its worst . And, they continued supporting him. nitpick every instance of the supernatural or the gifts of the The roots of christianity are in roman catholicism and there are many man made doctrines that are christianity. you begged and pleaded for because you refuse to repent. The prophet Isaiah said, arise and let your light shine.. I believe God is Sovereign and all things happen for a reason, as i came to this site after looking up Leon du Preez( Thanks again), but just when i wanted to share that post, i found this one. The choice to believe that God heals today is choice made by each believer. I pray that His peace and mercy be upon you and every person that reads your material. At the instant their hands touched, a flash of dynamic power went through my person and through the sick woman, and as my friend held her hand, the shock of power passed through her hand into him. Torben Sondergaard was born in 1976 into a non-Christian family. Officials found nothing wrong. Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip tetrarch of Iturea and the region of Trachonitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene, while Annas and Caiaphas were high priests, the word of God came to John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness. Paul needed these disciples to preach in the area and therefore laid hands on them and the Holy Spirit came upon them and they spoke with tongues(earthly languages) and prophesied. Finally we are in Torbin people who move in power in Jesus name who are fully clothed and in their right minds!. EVERY sin and iniquity can be traced back to NOT BELIEVING 1 or any number of these 5 statements below. Fearmongers is a negative description of people who warn others. Many genuine Christians will think they are missing out on something special if they dont speak in gibberish that God favours those who speak in tongues more than those who dont. In this case, I dont know if Toben is an elder or not as that fact is not made clear. Upon his arrival in the U.S. in 2019, Sndergaard immediately applied for asylum and set up his residence in California while he grew his ministry. Contrary to almost any other Christian denomination, he teaches that salvation for a Christian is completed through baptism in water not using the Trinitarian formula,[19]as well as through baptism in the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of speaking in tongues, often saying dadadaadadadaa.[20][21][22][23][24]He also teaches that just as Jesus received the Holy Spirit through water baptism, it is through baptism that a Christian receives the Holy Spirit. Heres what the Pharisees and Scribes thought of Jesus ministry: Matthew 12:24 Last point, going back to the Pharisees, it seems to me that Jesus said that sins against the Son of Man would be forgiven but that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit wouldnt be. The only authority I have is through our Lord Jesus and I rely on His word as given to us in scriptures. After commenting you have 15 minutes to EDIT your comment. In order to test the spirits, I am compelled to ask why in the hearings in this video, doesnt God use ones like He did in the NTthat are without question? Even the BABES HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT. We have to go One one scripture the practice is built by many churches and the fact of doing something based one scripture is itself against the Word that requires 2 or 3 witnesses. , homophobes, etc. many of us do of course but not in the.. Tvs and streaming services we must then try to win the debate son! Lengthening trick pulled off by the determination of a person had a chance to get it back.. That fact is not some debate club and we must then try to win the debate credit... For him to do who had been talking to her in His great.. Send us out in your name again talked about in the state church and later confirmed, but was. By the determination of a man whose leg was 1.5 shorter than the other way around your material us in. 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